Your marketing plan is one of the most critical aspects of your business. However, with so much competition out there, finding unique ways to stand out of the crowd can be difficult. Luckily, there are a few techniques that you can try out that are effective for boosting sales.
In this article, we are going to take a look at just six that you should consider trying to promote your new business. Sound interesting? Let’s begin!
Social Media Competitions
Social media opens up a vast world for creativity, and there are so many different ways to create unique content. Competitions are a great idea to promote engagement as everybody loves winning something for free. The key is to success is to follow a few simple tips:
- Set your goals.
- Establish your budget and choose a prize.
- Choose the contest type (photo, video, caption, vote to win).
- Create rules and select an end date.
It’s really that simple! Just make sure to set clear guidelines first to avoid legal complications.
Brand Mascots
The role of a mascot is to establish a strong brand identity. They make your business recognizable and can help build a more personal connection with your target audience. Some of the most popular that you may know include Mickey Mouse, Tony the Tiger, Michelin Man, and Ronald McDonald. You can learn more about designing your own here.
Outdoor Artwork
While a lot of people focus on digital and at-home marketing, taking things outside can be an innovative and effective move for your business. Outdoor artwork is memorable, unique, and can even be interactive. From chalk art to projections, you can be as creative as you want. Grassroots Advertising is a true one-stop guerilla marketing shop with these options (plus many more) to choose from.
Quizzes and Surveys
Another fun interactive advertisement technique is to consider creating a quiz and survey to post on your digital platforms. It’s simple to do, and many people share these online, which can increase your traffic. You just need to make sure that you make it attractive and exciting. For instance, if you own a baby clothing store, you might title one “Pick five baby outfits, and we’ll guess how many kids you’ll have.” Potential customers have fun, and you can showcase your products.
Coupon Books
You may think that coupon books are no longer popular, but they are actually still used by many people. By offering a discount in a local guide or magazine, you can significantly improve your sales. Even if you only offer 10% off, tourists on vacation are always looking to reduce costs. It’s a simple thing that really can make a big difference.
Finally, while blogging has become a popular advertising method for many, it deserves a spot on this list as it can be as creative as you want. There is no limit to what you can write, and the more interesting your content is, the more traffic you can generate. Check out these blogging tips to get started if you’re still a beginner.
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