Claim Justice On A Mission To Serve Ends of Justice

Claim Justice Review

Founders of Claim Justice

Ever wondered why instead of going down why crypto fraud rate is increasing every day? The reason is that there is no efficacious remedy available in the shape of an authority which can bring the crypto-criminals to justice. But there is one authority, an authority that has not been developed by any government or governmental authority. That authority is called Claim Justice and has been in the field for the past 5 years. Initially, Claim Justice was funded by online fraud victims because these victims did not want to see anyone else repeating the same mistakes.

Five Years Ago Before Claim Justice’s Inception

Online frauds were normal some five years ago because the perpetrators knew that there was a lack of criminal justice system. Even today there is a lack of justice when dealing with victims of online frauds. However, when Claim Justice came into being, the situation changed considerably. From day one, Claim Justice took the task of providing justice to these online fraud victims. The company was able to prove that justice was not only served but also witnessed by the online community as well.

Now if anyone is subjected to online fraud, scam, or theft, then he is aware of where he has to go for seeking help. This review of Claim Justice will show how Claim Justice works and how effective it is.

How Effective Claim Justice Is?

Claim Justice was established for one single purpose i.e. to ensure that online consumers are protected at all costs. Therefore, it is an online platform built for pre-determining the fraud as well as rendering after fraud recovery services. Let us first look at the fraud detecting mechanism of Claim Justice.

1. Fraud Detecting Mechanism

It is almost impossible these days to find a difference between an authentic online service provider or a fraudster. However, this job has been made easy as Claim Justice has developed a complete infrastructure and housed experienced professionals on the task. If anyone doubts an online business, then Justice Claim can be reached out. Thereafter, these professionals are asked to conduct thorough research online, in the market, and by physically inspecting the business, if possible.

The teams of Claim Justice are made up of former investigating officers, police personnel, officers of intelligence agencies, and Interpol officers. They gather information and this information is then duly analyzed by Claim Justice’s in-house team of experts. The experts then prepare a conclusive report suggesting whether the business is authentic or a fraud.

2. Recovery of Looted Funds

The issue of recovery arises only when a victim has already been scammed, defrauded, or looted. However, currently, there is no proper remedy available to victims of online fraud and therefore the perpetrators roam freely. But the primary services of Claim Justice is to perform the recovery process and return the funds back to the owner. The online services of Claim Justice are available 24/7 and any victim is free to lodge a Request a Refund request.

Again the team of former officers and experts are tasked to trace the real perpetrators behind the crime. Once the teams are able to find traces, they then coordinate with the local law enforcement agencies for arrest of the criminals. Once criminals are caught, then the recovery process is overtaken by Claim Justice’s team of attorneys and law officers.

It goes without saying that 80% of the cases taken up by Claim Justice have been resolved. Out of these 80% cases, at least 35% of the victims have reclaimed their lost funds with interest thereon. While the rest of the cases are under process and at trial stages. Only 20% of cases remain untraced but the teams of Claim Justice are hopeful that they will be able to locate the criminals.

End Remarks

So if either you or anyone known to you is a victim of online fraud, scam, or theft, then tell them there is hope. This hope is called Claim Justice. You can always contact Claim Justice free of any charge over the phone or via email or through live chat. Claim Justice’s representatives are available to hear you and willing to lend their support.

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