Essential Questions To Ask When Starting A New SEO Campaign

Essential Questions To Ask When Starting A New SEO Campaign

Proper SEO is a huge part of success in the online business world. Before you start a campaign, there are a few simple things you should consider to be sure you’re setting yourself up for success. Here are four essential questions to ask when starting a new SEO campaign.

How Much Traffic Do Your Target Keywords Generate?

Ranking for keywords is only useful if it actually brings traffic to your website. Before you put time, money, and effort into improving your rankings, you need to have a good idea of how much traffic your target keywords generate. Fortunately, you can use Google’s Adwords tool to easily find statistics about monthly searches that will help you decide if a given keyword is worth your while.

How Hard Will It Be to Displace the Competition?

If the keywords you’re targeting are highly competitive, you may have a hard time dislodging your competitors from the first page of search results. If your keywords are too hard to rank for, you might be better off putting your efforts toward alternatives with slightly less competition. Finding the right mix of competitiveness and traffic volume is key to a successful SEO campaign.

Do You Have the Help You Need?

As a business owner, you shouldn’t be stuck trying to figure out SEO on your own. Whether you’re using an in-house specialist or a third-party consultant, you need someone on your team who can help you design and implement your SEO strategy. Even if you need to arrange a virtual meetup to discuss SEO with a remote consultant, it’s still better than trying to navigate the complex world of SEO without professional guidance.

Is Your SEO Campaign Part of a Larger Marketing Strategy?

SEO is extremely important, but it shouldn’t be your only marketing strategy. Instead, it should be part of a comprehensive strategy that includes video marketing, blog content, social media, email, and other channels that help you attract, retain and convert audience members. If you focus on SEO to the exclusion of all else, you’ll likely miss out on sales and growth opportunities elsewhere.

Answering these four questions before you start your next SEO campaign will help you make the most of it. The answers to these questions may also reveal room for improvement in your marketing strategy. If that’s the case, make the necessary changes now and you’ll be able to reap the benefits of more successful marketing going forward.

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