How To Choose The Right Case Management Software

How To Choose The Right Case Management Software

Nearly 50 percent of law firms now rely on technology in their day-to-day operations.

As part of the technology-oriented revolution, lawyers increasingly rely on case management software (CMS) to manage operations more efficiently. However, with various solutions on the market, identifying the right fit for your law firm can be tricky.

Here’s an in-depth guide on five fundamental aspects that make for an effective CMS solution you should be on the lookout for.

The Server vs. Cloud Question

With almost any software solution today, businesses need to consider using a server or cloud-based option. A few years ago, this would have been an easy choice.

The prevailing thought at the time was that on-premises servers were more secure. If you managed the server in-house, you’d have complete access to case data, which was comforting.

However, cloud technology has come a long way, offering solutions that significantly compete with on-site servers.

For one, the security protocols cloud-based servers employ are highly robust. At the very least, you can expect to find a legal case management system using security similar to on-site servers. In some cases, a cloud-based CMS can be more secure than an on-site one.

On top of that, there is the flexibility that comes with a cloud-based CMS. Anyone can access information from any location and on any device. That frees up the team to comfortably work from the court or in the field and remain highly productive.

Furthermore, cloud-based CMS solutions tend to be easier to scale than on-site ones. That’s because you don’t need to buy, install and administer kore servers if you want higher capacity.

Similarly, you don’t need to sink time looking for buyers for on-site servers when you want to downsize your capacity. A single call to your CMS provider to alter your service plan is all it takes.

As with every service solution, what you opt for depends on what best serves the functional architecture of your firm.

Level of Security

Speaking of security, your ideal CMS needs to offer unimpeachable safety for all case and company data. If your clients can’t rely on the protection and confidentiality you offer, your firm will soon go out of business.

Since not all CMS solutions are created equal when it comes to security, you must conduct your due diligence. Some of the things you should critically check include:

  • Whether the CMS encrypts all data
  • Whether you’ll have the ability to configure the security to fit your firm’s needs
  • Whether the CMS stores data in a private cloud
  • If any third parties audit the CMS solution to guarantee safety
  • Whether the CMS offers human-focused security options like custom user privileges and two-factor authentication

It’s worth noting that cloud-based case management services offer more robust security than traditional ones. And it’s all in the numbers.

Due to the convenient and cost-effective nature of cloud-based CMS systems, more users flock to them. Over time, that has inspired service providers to invest significantly in security.

The costs associated with shoring up security are spread among many clients, translating to lower unit costs per customer. As a result, you get more excellent protection at a better price than you’d pay with traditional CMS solutions.

But don’t settle for any cloud-based CMS solution. Zero in on those leveraging the private cloud. Otherwise, you’ll end up being part of the 90 percent of organizations that will experience security breaches by 2025 due to relying on the public cloud.


At the end of the day, your law firm has to turn a profit. A significant aspect that influences your bottom line is operational costs. With this in mind, your case management software pricing has to make sense regarding the value you receive.

Traditional CMS solutions tend to be costlier than cloud-based ones since you have to buy and maintain the infrastructure. With cloud-based CMS services, you get to select between monthly or annual subscriptions. What you settle on will depend on your cost targets.

Thus, before making any investment, ensure you have complete visibility into all the direct and indirect costs associated with the CMS options you plan to use.

The Right Integrations

No CMS solution can handle every task. Thus, the software you spend money on has to work well with other services you already use to bolster your productivity. If you find you need to stop working with other services that have been useful to you, that can be a red flag.

Look for CMS options that don’t necessitate you entering the same data repeatedly across several apps. At a minimum, any CMS you opt for should make it easy to copy and paste data from diverse sources.

Remember that what a CMS offers as native functionality is what you’ll most optimally use. Everything else will likely call for a lesser user experience. Thus, decide on whether the CMS offers core functionalities that seamlessly integrate with your system.

Round-the-Clock Support

It doesn’t matter how excellent a CMS system is if you can’t rely on it when you most need it. Consequently, you need to dig deep into the support function of every prospective solution.

A valuable CMS service should offer 24/7 support. That ensures you can resolve issues that crop up at any time, so you keep serving your clients.

But it’s not only round-the-clock support that matters. The kind of help a CMS provider offers is also vital. Stay away from CMS solutions that partly or wholly deliver automated support.

With such software, you’ll have difficulty resolving more complex issues that go beyond routine troubleshooting. Prioritize CMS solutions that offer live support representatives who can also come on-site to sort out any problems speedily.

Choose the Right Case Management Software to Increase Your Firm’s Productivity

Technology is a layer over every industry that’s quickly revolutionizing operations. In the legal sector, case management software is becoming popular as a way to make law firm operations more efficient and cost-effective. Before investing in any CMS, make an effort to understand the mission-critical aspects you need to look for to pick the best fit.

Running a law firm is a highly competitive affair, and you need every edge you can get. Our website focuses on business and technology to help you learn how the two intersect. Check out our other articles for more informative content.

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