Want A Creative Side Hustle? 4 Types Of Products You Can Make

Want A Creative Side Hustle? 4 Types Of Products You Can Make

Everyone could use more spending money, but not everyone wants to do ride-sharing or food delivery. If you happen to be the imaginative sort, you have several options when providing a valued good derived from your passions. This article is focused on highlighting four side hustles for enterprising creatives.


Cleanliness is next to godliness-and also prized in a post-COVID world. What better way to make an impression than by marketing your own custom-made soaps. If you think a bar of soap is still too boring for your tastes, consider the idea of adding something inside the bar while it is still pliable; this is how the product known as soap-on-a-rope is made. For example, someone who happens to enjoy tabletop gaming could infuse their soap with various smells they associate with an elf’s bathroom and place a 20-sided die in the core of the bar for later use in-game sessions.


Much like soap, the basic formula for making perfume affords creatives much flexibility in producing custom scents. Just blend the purest vodka or Everclear, glycerin, distilled water, and whichever oils or pure flavor extracts you think will manifest the perfect aroma. Since perfume requires a container, you can also flex your creativity by using esoteric glass shapes to store your concoctions.

Molded Objets d’Art

Polyurethane is a versatile material that can be melted down and channeled through a mold. Once the polyurethane hardens, the mold is removed and the molded product is suitable for painting or other fine detail work, like engraving your signature. One of the most important things to consider when looking to produce molded artworks en masse is having a reliable polyurethane casting material supplier. Because polyurethane is not a uniform material, you can produce all sorts of unique art pieces from rigid and opaque door-knockers to flexible, see-through ghosts for Halloween.


Food is always a welcome gift. Whether you know how to bake a fine blondie or season and age your own sausage, anyone who knows how to prepare food is more than capable of turning it into a side hustle.

Food, molded artworks, scents, and bar soaps; are just four of the many ways a creative can channel their passion into some extra scratch on the side. Maybe you have such skill and hadn’t considered the monetary benefits or you are looking to learn a new skill, the world is your oyster if you can make some money from doing something you love.

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