Why Tank Welding Is Critical To Jobsite Safety

Why Tank Welding Is Critical To Jobsite Safety

At many construction sites, manufacturing facilities, and other industrial settings, welding is a key component of many applications. Whether it is constructing a massive ship, reinforcing steel beams, or other tasks, tank welding can be pivotal in not only keeping production levels high but also in keeping workers and others at the Jobsite safe. Should you be considering using tank welding at your Jobsite, here are some important ways it will increase safety levels.

Accurate Positioning of Welding Gun

When doing tank welding, one of the most crucial aspects is being able to keep the welding gun accurately positioned within the welding seam. A difficult task to do manually, this can be made easier using state-of-the-art tank welding equipment. By doing so, an automatic tracking system can be implemented within the area being welded, ensuring the welding gun stays on track.

Vacuum Flux Recovery System

When performing welding operations, keeping flux away from moisture is not only something that will make the job go quicker, but also make it much safer. For companies that choose to invest in an automatic girth welder, this task is made much easier. Since an AGW is equipped with a blower-type vacuum flux recovery system and a flux heater option, you can concentrate on the job without the worry of an unexpected crisis.

Ergonomical Positioning

For many welders, problems such as carpal tunnel syndrome, wrist and elbow pain, and other similar problems tend to develop over time. However, sophisticated tank welding systems can change all this for the better. Since you as the operator will have a control panel that is ergonomically positioned to ensure your hands and wrists do not strain unnecessarily, the result is fewer workplace injuries. This also translates into cost-efficiency for an employer, since fewer on-the-job injuries result in fewer workers’ compensation claims being filed.

Cage and Guard Rails

Finally, tank welding systems used today come with operator cabins that are designed as cages to give operators the utmost comfort and safety. This is important during extreme weather when rain or other issues could hamper job operations. Along with this, the cabin’s top and bridge contain guard rails and ladders, allowing for even higher levels of safety.

Since there can be so many situations that result in serious workplace injuries during welding operations, making excellent use of tank welding technology such as an AGW can not only ensure your production levels stay high, but also that you and others can stay safe while performing the duties of your job.

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