How To Study Class 3 Maths Using Ncert Solutions

How To Study Class 3 Maths Using Ncert Solutions

Class 3 Maths can be prepared easily with some effective tips and tricks along with encouragement from the parents. These classes make the base for upcoming higher studies. Class 3 students can be quite repelling from studies but the parents are recommended to choose the right and less stressful path in order to make their kid succeed. The subject of Maths is considered to be very difficult from an early stage by the students, hence their approach of solving mathematical questions becomes negative. Here are a few tips to help your kid be friends with this subject.

  • Encourage learning

Our education system has idealized marks of an exam more than what a student is actually learning. This makes students dread even the word ‘exam’ and they become weak in studies. In order to achieve more marks in their exam, your kid will start cramming all the answers without actually understanding or gaining any knowledge. When you ask yourself why you send your kids to school then most of you will answer to make your kid knowledgeable and intelligent. But, achieving more marks is completely the opposite of your answer. The kids of this generation are more prone to stress and mental health issues and the constant pressure of getting higher marks than others can be a cause of your kid being stressed at this age.

If your child gets fewer marks, try to motivate them for another upcoming exam. Help your kid yourself and see their approach to studying. Make them read the chapters in front of yourself and try to teach them an effective method of learning by making little notes or short poems to make studying interesting for them.

  • NCERT solutions

For class 3 students, NCERT Class 3 Maths Book should be considered as the only book by which you are a kid should study for their exam. Make your kid sit with yourself and don’t just start with studying immediately. Ask them about their day or about a recent episode of their favorite program on television. Warm them up and relax their mind so that they don’t forget but you are going to teach afterward.

NCERT provides a fun way of learning to students with the help of shapes and figures. This book is prepared and approved by many subject experts to make easy e and simplified learning for kids. Class 3 Maths deals with concepts of shapes, weight, long and short, and money. NCERT provides important questions along with simplified and self-explanatory solutions to help parents teach their kids better. Parents are recommended to make notes to help kids remember important keywords. After studying the chapter line by line, make sure to make your kid read the notes once. Ask your Kids short questions in order to understand which topics need more time for understanding. Be very patient with your kids and don’t let their lack of understanding turn you into a frustrating mood. Learn a chapter from the point of view of a class 3 kid. This will help you understand which topic will be difficult to learn.

  • Rewards!

Reward your kid to keep them anticipating for more. After completing a topic, let them have a bite or two of their favorite snack. This way of learning will make your kids efficient in learning. They will understand every topic with utmost attention knowing that at the end they are going to have their favorite snack. The more difficult the topic, the greater the rewards should be. This will help in reinforcing positive behavior in your child for studies. Your rewarding techniques should be consistent in order to make your child take interest in studying regularly. You can change your rewards like taking them for a trip to an amusement park or making them stay at their friend’s house. Along with studying, you can help your child learn with the help of food and also maintain their health.

For example: Always keep a bowl of dry fruits on the study table while you are teaching your kid. Ask them about their shape or let them assume what could be their weight or price.

  • It’s okay to fail

Don’t idolize winning for your kid. Make them understand the importance of participating. Keep the mantra of ‘It’s Okay’ going. It’s okay if they can’t understand a chapter from you. Maybe they can understand it better with a senior teacher. Don’t pick up faults in yourself. Give them proper breaks and a day or two off in a week from studying. This is their age to play and study. Help them build their motor abilities along with studying. Use their toys while teaching them.

For example: If your child named a toy dinosaur ‘ Andy’, give examples like:

If Andy has 10 rupees and if he asks you how much praise he has, would you be able to help your friend Andy?

This will help your child to encourage themselves more to help their toy friend. It also helps in building the sense of being kind to others.

  • Help them choose their motive

Make your child understand the importance of studying and what if they don’t study. Give them a little insight of what is a motive and how study helps in achieving them. Don’t just tell them about becoming a doctor or engineer, let them understand that it is not anything bad about becoming a dancer or painter. Motivate them according to the field they choose to be in. Support them from an early age so that they can rely upon you whenever in need.

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