Life Coaching Tips For Beginners

Life Coaching Tips For Beginners

Life coaching tips, advice, and suggestions are plentiful and you need to sift through them to find the ones that apply to you. Life coaching is a rapidly growing sector throughout the world with people like Amandeep Khun-Khun of Vancouver leading the charge in their own community. There are life coach training courses available, some with very affordable fees. There are also self-help books and online courses available to coach you on your own. Some people prefer to do it all themselves and there are some good books and videos out there to help you along. You can also buy life coaching services.

Ask Good Interview Questions

Another life coaching tip is to keep interviewing current clients, relatives, colleagues, and business associates. You can discover quite a bit about their motivation, challenges, and successes by asking them this question: “What are your biggest challenges, what do you hate about this job, why do you do not like it?” Another good question to start off with is “Why did you decide to do this? What are the obstacles that prevent you from succeeding?” In addition, you can use the information that you gather in your interviews to create new goals and obstacles for yourself. By interviewing employees, business associates, and family members, you will gain insight into what motivates them and what is holding you back from achieving your own goals.

Do More Than an Interview

Sometimes it takes a little more than an interview to figure out if someone is really motivated or not. For example, a friend who I had working with quit his job as a business consultant because he felt that it was not achieving the results that he had hoped for. Instead of just offering the standard answer of trying harder, he decided that he was going to change his attitude and be more productive. Much to his chagrin, however, his sales figures did not improve and instead, the sales figures of his last company were lower than they had been in many years. This led him to discover one of life coaching tips number two: identifying the problem and then taking the necessary steps to solve it.

Understand Your Position

An important life coaching tips number three is to take stock of where you currently stand. Many people have obstacles in their lives that prevent them from achieving their goals. For example, many people believe that they are good speakers but struggle to get anyone to listen to them. In order to overcome this obstacle, a person needs to identify the problem and then take steps to remove the obstacle. Some examples of obstacles include previous failure, bad bosses, lack of motivation, and others.

Accomplish Your Goals

Another life coaching tips tip that is often overlooked is to make a list of what you think you need in order to accomplish your goals. This will allow you to identify which steps you need to take in order to move forward. For example, if you know that you need to make at least a certain amount of money each month, write down how much money you need to live comfortably.

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