4 Career Tips For Avid Travelers

4 Career Tips For Avid Travelers

A passion for travel is one that you possess. However, in order to fund your vacations and to have a good living, you also need a job. While it may be difficult to pinpoint some of your particular needs, there are indeed careers that are great for people who enjoy traveling. Establishing a balance between traveling and your career is certainly possible if you follow some of the tips listed below.

Be Honest

While you don’t want to carry on about how much time you’ll need off during the preliminary round of interviews, you also should not lie about your travel needs. Approach the situation with both honesty and caution. During an initial interview, the topic of vacation time may not come up. As you go through the process, though, you’ll need to get a better sense of whether or not your work schedule will jive with your travel plans. If you need to regularly take time off at a certain time of the month, it may be a good idea to explain your other responsibilities to your potential employer. If you don’t think about these issues early on, you may find that you have to either give up your job or your travel plans.

Pick the Right Career

One option is to select a job that allows you to travel. For example, if you enjoy driving, you might enjoy looking into what kinds of CDL truck driver positions are available. Careers that require you to drive around are especially convenient for people who do not like to sit still at a desk for an extended period of time. Another possibility is to teach in another country. Plenty of other careers involve traveling too. For example, you could work as a sales representative who markets products up and down the coast. Selecting a career that includes travel is a productive way to combine these two pursuits.

Plan in Advance

Even when you work in a field that involves travel, you’ll still likely want to take some vacations that don’t have to do with your job. Regardless of your position, make sure that you plan in advance so that your employer can check the schedule and ensure that you’re able to have the days off. This guidance is particularly important for extended travel. Taking two weeks off from work, for example, is different from requesting off for a long weekend.

Travel During Lulls

A smart idea is to travel during quieter times for your industry. Teachers should aim to take their vacations when schools are closed, and accountants will likely need to avoid any vacations during tax season. Your employer is likely to appreciate your consideration in these matters. Also, think about how hectic your schedule would be if you took a vacation during the busy season. Traveling during a quieter time is better for your own being too.

When you have a career, you might think that travel as a hobby is out of the question. Fortunately, you can have a good job and a robust travel life at the same time.

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