Supplies To Make Sure You Stock Up On For Your Office

Supplies To Make Sure You Stock Up On For Your Office

As more and more workers return to the office, it’s important to have all supplies in stock. How do you make sure you don’t forget anything important? It helps to use a big list and then narrow it down to the essentials.

Cleaning Supplies

First of all, the office has to be clean. That means stocking up on cleaning supplies. It’s always been important to have disinfectants on hand, but it’s extra important now that the pandemic has happened. Some necessary items include sponges, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, rubber gloves, soap, and paper towels. Don’t forget the trash cans and trash bags.

Bulk Office Supplies

Some items are best purchased in bulk. They include printer paper, notebooks, pens and pencils, whiteboard markers, and folders. Other typically required bulk office supplies are those related to postage and shipping. Don’t forget cardboard boxes in multiple sizes, stamps, and envelopes. Besides all those items, it’s also good to stock up supplies like staplers and staples, hole punchers, rubber bands, and paper clips. These will help keep papers from becoming messy and unorganized.

Computer Supplies

Computers have firmly embedded themselves as an essential part of 21st-century offices. Obviously, the computers themselves must be purchased at some point, as well as the keyboards and mice. Accessories to keep them functioning and add utility are also a must-have. That means one should stock up on screen cleaners, spare batteries, black and color ink for printers, as well as memory devices like flash drives, SD cards, and external hard drives.

Breakroom and Bathroom Supplies

It’s easy to forget about the break room and bathroom, but they are still important parts of any office. The break room should have supplies like cups and utensils so employees can get a drink of water or eat their lunch. Meanwhile, the bathroom needs toilet paper and an air freshener. Don’t forget hand soap and sanitizer, plus cleaner for the toilet area. Paper towels for drying hands are a good idea as well.

Miscellaneous Supplies

Some items don’t fit into other categories, but that doesn’t mean they are any less essential. In fact, some of the most necessary supplies are the ones least often used. Don’t forget a first-aid kit.

It takes some time to make an office supply shopping list, but it’s well worth doing. Having the right supplies is essential. So, remember to double-check this list.

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