What Is Entity Extraction And How Can It Help Your Business?

What Is Entity Extraction And How Can It Help Your Business?

Entity extraction might sound like an overwhelming, and possibly even scary, term at first glance. However, this process is actually one that can help to make your business run more efficiently. Implementing this technique into your business can save employees valuable time as well.

Understanding the Process

Think of entity extraction as an automatic way of pulling out certain phrases, repeated terms, and key ideas from the content related to your business. To better understand, consider a review that one customer writes after having an experience at your place of work. This process of extraction could help you to identify the words that are repeated in the review. Now, consider how these types of results can be helpful on a larger scale.

Recognizing Patterns

If your business gets dozens, scores, or hundreds of reviews on a regular basis, reading through and retaining all of the highlights is virtually an impossible endeavor for a human being. With extraction tools, however, you can compile a list of words that are repeated in the reviews. For example, customers might be regularly praising one employee, and you can consider a reward for that individual. You can also learn about frequent complaints that consumers have, thereby allowing the business to take steps to resolve these issues.

Automating Customer Service

Ultimately, many people still want to speak to another human being when it comes to matters of customer service. Still, though, you can help direct individuals to the right person with extraction tools. Also, some inquiries can be automatically taken care of. An extraction tool coupled with a chatbox for customer service can assist in resolving some regular inquiries that consumers have.

Organizing Data

If you’re like many people, you find the organization of data to be a tedious task. Fortunately, extraction tools can do this work for you. You may want to find out how many customers live in a particular part of the state or country, or you may want to determine other demographics, such as the age or income of the majority of your customers. An extraction tool can assist in both compiling or organizing this information.

Clearly, using a tool for extraction can help to save your employees time. Instead of focusing on tedious tasks that can now be completed with the power of automation, employees can turn their attention toward higher-order projects. If you’re still hesitant about using these types of tools, think about starting small. Perhaps begin with the analysis of reviews and then move on to larger projects that involve extraction.

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