Why Your Office Space Needs Some Primping Up

Why Your Office Space Needs Some Primping Up

Whether your job is performed at home or at a company facility, a comfortable and efficient workspace is important. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to fix up your work area and make it appealing. Here are affordable tips to spruce up your office to make it look almost brand new and more professional.


If your office desk is looking old and worn, improve its appearance by buffing out scratches if possible or using a wax filler in a color that matches your desk. Wooden desks can be polished to regain their original gleam. Install plastic side panels for additional desk storage space for files, documents, and desk supplies. You can also turn the desk so that the best side faces the entrance or door while keeping the worn side hidden from view.

Office Chair and Seating

If you don’t want to replace your desk chair, give it a thorough cleaning and fit new, inexpensive covers to the seat and back to give it a fresh new look. Clean the legs and armrests by removing lint and stray hairs. Add a new chair mat to protect the flooring by shopping for glass chairmats online and in other places. A clear or tinted chair mat will make the chair more movable and navigable in your workspace, and it will add a polished touch. Upgrade a chair or two for customers if you work with the public by having those seats professionally cleaned or add new seat covers.

Worn Carpet

Since new flooring is expensive, use trendy area rugs to cover the worst spots in the rug or tiles. Make sure they are non-skid and that the design fits with your office decor. Two or three smaller rugs will enhance the color scheme and overall design of the room.

Remove Clutter

Organize the stacks of files, documents, and reading materials and stash them in a closet or cupboard. Use plastic bins or packing boxes for a neat fit. Get rid of anything that is outdated, like framed art that you no longer enjoy, or a jacket leftover from winter, to give the office a more open feel.

Personal Vibe

Update your personal effects by replacing older family photos with newer pictures. Get a new, vibrant plant to replace the artificial or dead one from years ago. Avoid overcrowding your office, but give it a fresh, inviting new look that will make you feel at home and energized to get things done.

Reimagining your office space will exercise your creativity and refresh your work area. Try simple, affordable ideas like these to make your workspace more inviting than ever.

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