No one likes to wait, but everyone has to do it sometimes. That’s why companies should think about how to keep their customers comfortable while they are on the premises. You don’t necessarily need to provide a full hospitality experience to help make the experience pleasant or even enjoyable.
Offer Refreshments
Businesses that frequently keep customers in a waiting area for any length of time should offer basic refreshments. Even something as simple as a water cooler and single-serve coffee machine can do wonders for customer morale. Everyone needs to drink and it gives them something to enjoy while they wait.
Set Up Comfortable Chairs
Comfortable chairs may cost a little more than the hard plastic variety, but they can make the experience much more pleasant. It’s also a good idea to put a little space between them so people don’t have to make awkward decisions about where to sit if the area is a bit crowded. Give people a little personal space and variety in their seating options.
Control the Temperature
You can’t keep customers comfortable without controlling the temperature. That’s why it pays to invest in quality commercial air conditioning installation and a system that can keep up with the demands of your building. Giving people a reprieve from searing heat or biting cold automatically makes your place of business a lot more inviting to visitors.
Entertainment Options
Waiting customers can’t expect the best entertainment, but they should expect at least a few basic options. Television sets with news or sports channels are a safe bet. A variety of reading material can also give people something to do with their eyes and hands besides fidgeting restlessly in their chairs. Since most people go straight to their phones, it’s also a good idea to have a strong local Wi-Fi option if customers frequently wait for any length of time.
Don’t Forget Signs
It’s easy for employees to remember where the bathrooms and exits are, but customers can get disoriented easily. You can actually help visitors feel a lot more comfortable just by putting up some obvious signs to show them where to go to find what they need. This helps them feel more confident and in control of their situation, which is always a good thing.
It doesn’t take much to keep customers comfortable if you are willing to put yourself in their shoes for just a few minutes. If you take the time to consider their needs it can create a better impression of your company and improve the entire customer experience.
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