How A Spray On Roof Can Fix Your Store’s Leaking Problems

How A Spray On Roof Can Fix Your Store's Leaking Problems

When your store has leaks that have developed in the roof, it can gradually lead to significant water damage. Although you may hire a professional to repair the roof at times, the costs can add up throughout the year. If you want to improve the condition of your store, there are a few ways that a spray-on roof can fix your store’s leaking problems while working with a roof specialist.

High Performance

Spray-on roofs are known to have a high performance compared to other types of materials in the industry. They’re designed to reduce wind uplift and don’t allow ponding water to develop, which allows the materials to have a longer lifespan. Additionally, they’re effective in insulating the building, which can reduce your energy usage and make it easier to control the temperature in your store. If this is an option you think you’d like to pursue, you can talk to a roofing specialist, such as Tillotson Enterprise Inc.

Chemically Stable

One of the main reasons spray-on roofs are increasing in popularity is because they’re chemically stable and are resistant to mildew and mold. They are also resistant to harmful UV rays and don’t wear down when sitting out in the sun for long periods of time.

A Long Lifespan

If you encounter a lot of leaks on your roof throughout the year, a spray-on roof can prevent you from needing repairs due to its long lifespan. Not only is it highly durable and resistant to damage, but it has a long lifespan and is prone to last longer than similar roofing materials with proper care and routine maintenance performed. It has a protective coating that prevents leaks from developing easily and can be replaced after 15 to 20 years. Once the new protective coating is applied, the roof can last another 15 to 20 years.


Not only are spray-on roofs effective in offering a high level of protection on the building, but they’re known to be low-maintenance. They don’t develop a lot of repairs and hold up well in all types of climates. This can allow you to save more money as you perform upkeep on your store. When repairs are occasionally needed, they’re easy and cost-effective to perform by applying caulk and using a razor knife and a rag.

Spray-on roofs are known to be versatile and can prevent your roof from developing leaks in the future. This can reduce the amount of money you spend on repairs in the future and offer peace of mind knowing the interior of your store is protected each season.

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