How To Save Money When Moving Into A New Office Space

How To Save Money When Moving Into A New Office Space

Business moves are typically an indicator of growth. As your business expands, you’ll need more office space to accommodate your employees and keep everything organized. But moving comes with a lot of hidden costs, so it’s important to be mindful of how you’re spending your money. Here are a few tips to help you save money when moving into a new office space:

Plan your office space carefully before signing a lease

Make sure you’re not paying for more space than you need. If you have a lot of equipment or inventory, consider renting storage space instead of leasing a larger office. On the other hand, you want to make sure that you aren’t underestimating your space need either. Based on your rate of growth, do you foresee needing to move again in the next two years? If so, it may behoove you to get a larger space now, and figure out how to utilize it for generating income. Moving is costly and disruptive to production, as well as an adjustment for your customers. The fewer times you have to do it, the better.

Consider Sharing Space and Resources

This can be especially beneficial if you don’t have a lot of employees. If you choose this route, just be sure to share your space with needs similar to your own. If your business is primarily working on the computer and answering phones, it could be distracting if your office partner has a high-traffic business with lots of distractions. This is a great way to save money on utilities, equipment, and bulk office supplies. Don’t forget to factor in exterior building upkeep if that is your responsibility in the lease.

Get quotes from multiple movers

Compare their services to see what’s included in their price. Moving services are pretty economical, but the add-ons can really start to add up. Depending on the price, you may want to pack your own office, rent a truck, and only hire the movers to do the heavy lifting in order to make it more affordable.

Furnish your new office space with used furniture

While some businesses experience growth, others are closing their doors for good. Check the many websites out there that feature used items and you’ll come across some great deals on entire office setups. You’ll want to be selective if projecting a professional image is important to your business.

There are many ways to save money when you’re moving into a new office space, and these represent just a few to get you started. A fresh new work environment is motivating and can jumpstart creativity, just be sure not to overspend in the process.


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