As a business owner, you know well how much your community gives to you. Then perhaps it’s time for your business to start giving back to your community. There are many ways to do this, so read on to learn about some of them.
Donations to nonprofit organizations are one of the best and perhaps easiest ways for your company to give back to the community. As you plan your budget, make room for some of these. You might choose one organization to support with a larger donation, or you might spread your donations over two or three organizations. You don’t have to donate to the level of Kirk Chewning Cane Bay Partners located in St. Croix, and you can certainly give within your means. Be assured, though, that the organizations will greatly appreciate whatever support you can give, and you may even consider starting a generous monthly donation to keep the giving going all year long.
In-Kind Support
Nonprofits certainly need money, but they could also use support in other ways, especially in-kind support. This means providing your company’s products or services free or at a discount to organizations in need. If you run an accounting or law firm, for instance, periodically donate some hours of work or perhaps help with a particular project. If your company specializes in plumbing or electrical work or heating, you might complete projects at cost for a nonprofit.
Employee Initiatives
You should also involve your employees in giving back to the community. Encourage them to start their own initiatives in support of community projects, and then support those. You might give financially or in-kind, but you could also allow your employees to devote part of a work day or two to the project or to use company space or computers, or other resources. Let your employees know that you support their generosity and efforts.
If you want to be even more involved in your community, you might partner with other businesses, local governments, nonprofits, and even individuals in community projects. Be on the lookout for such opportunities. You might hear, for instance, that the local community center needs a new roof and is struggling to raise funds. Gather a group of business owners to accomplish the project through donations and in-kind support. You might even offer to do some fundraising by reaching out to your customers with an email or postcard campaign. Together, you can get the job done.
Finally, don’t neglect to volunteer. Nonprofits certainly need money, but they also need your time and work. You might spend a couple of afternoons a month at your local food shelf or tutor kids for your library’s reading program. Just look around, for the opportunities are almost endless. You may find that you enjoy volunteering so much that you make it part of your regular schedule. You should also encourage your employees to volunteer and even provide them with time off to do so.
The more your business gives back to your community, the greater the bond that will form. You’ll feel great about the difference you make, and your customers will appreciate your company more and more. So get started!
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