How to Mark Your Parking Lot and Associated Walkways Correctly

How to Mark Your Parking Lot and Associated Walkways Correctly

When you’re responsible for the upkeep of your company’s parking lot, store entrance, or any other type of employee or customer-accessible walkways, everything must be marked correctly. Not only does this help first responders find anyone who might need to be rescued in case of an emergency, but it also helps employees find the correct parking spots and walkways when coming and going from work each day. There are various marking systems you can use in your parking lot to make navigation easier, especially if you have many visitors and employees who park onsite. 

Marking Basics 

A few different types of pavement surface coatings are commonly used to mark parking lots and walkways. Each type has its unique properties and characteristics, so you’ll have to decide which one is right for your needs. 

 In addition to pavement markings, you may also want to consider signs like stop, yield, or one-way signs to help direct traffic. Signs can also indicate the direction of walkways or where to find an employee or visitor entrance. 

 Some companies, like Pavement Surface Coatings, know that curbs and barriers can also help direct the flow of traffic as well as indicating to pedestrians where to walk. Concrete curbs or metal or wood railings can mark the edges of parking spaces or indicate walkways. 

Marking a Parking Space 

Marking individual parking spaces creates an orderly and efficient parking lot. This can make it easier for visitors to find a place to park, and it also makes it easier for employees to locate their spots, especially if they park far away. 

 You can mark a parking space in many different ways, but the most common way is with two parallel lines. You should place the parking space markings several inches from the curb and the sidewalk. This ensures that people don’t park too close to these areas so that pedestrians can easily get by. 

 You’ll also want to mark handicapped parking spaces clearly and leave extra space to allow for the use of wheelchairs, walkers, or crutches. You may also mark visitor parking spaces or put numbers on employee parking spaces. 

Marking a Walkway 

Walkways are used in lots of different industries, not just parking lots. They are used in retail stores, hospitals, doctor’s offices, and other establishments. When someone walks along a walkway, they need to know that they are walking in the right direction, they need to know where they can walk, and they need to know where they can’t walk. 

 There are a few different ways that you can mark a walkway to make it easy to navigate. First, you can paint the edges of the walkway a solid color, such as white or yellow. This makes it easy for people to see where the walkway ends and where they can walk. Walkway markings should be placed on both sides of the walkway so that people in both directions can see them. You should place them about one to two feet away from any wall. 

Other Important Areas to Mark 

Along with the areas listed above, there are also a few other areas you may want to mark. For example, if you have a high volume of visitors to your business, you may want to mark certain areas in your parking lot as “employee only.” You can do this by putting up a sign that says “Employee parking only” or “Employee only parking.” This way, customers know where they can and can’t park. You can also mark these areas with paint. 

 You’ll also need to mark any fire lanes, no parking zones, and loading zones that your business may have. If hydrants near your parking lot need to be kept clear, you’ll need to mark them as well. 

 Parking lots are often difficult to navigate, particularly if they are large and have no signs or markings. People may not know where to go, where to park, and where not to walk. By marking your parking lot and walkways correctly, you make it easier for people to find their way around. This not only helps customers, but it helps employees as well. You can also use marking to help first responders in an emergency by making it clear where they can park and where they can’t. 

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