Reasons To Have A Corporate Lawyer When Starting A Small Business

Reasons To Have A Corporate Lawyer When Starting A Small Business

Ready to start your small business? Not so fast. Before you are officially open, you might want to secure a corporate lawyer. Why? Any number of unforeseeable issues can come up that will require an attorney to help protect yourself — and your business — against legal and liability repercussions. Hiring a quality-minded business lawyer can give you some peace of mind while also adding value to your company. Here are a few main reasons why hiring a corporate lawyer is ideal when you start your business.

Prevent Future Lawsuits

As time goes on, you might start to worry about potential lawsuits. They can occur seemingly out of nowhere and rip small businesses apart. Corporate lawyers can aid in the prevention of lawsuits hitting your business, and that includes employment lawsuits. They can also help get your business in complete legal order so as to meet state and federal employment laws. It is important to be proactive in order to prevent a lawsuit in the future.

Safeguard Your Intellectual Property

Your small business is your intellectual property, and it is composed of such. From your logo to your services rendered, this is all stuff that needs legal protection. If someone else steals your work and tries to pass it off as their own intellectual property, a corporate lawyer can help you take action right away. You might also want their help filing copyright, trademark, or patent depending on what it is you produce or the service you sell.

Contract Drafting

Every single business contract should be reviewed by a corporate lawyer before being put into action so that you know you’ve explained and met all important criteria. This can include employment contracts, those for customers, vendors, business partners, and so on. A corporate lawyer can help you make sure that you have dotted all your i’s and crossed all your t’s before publishing those important contracts.

Real Estate Leases and Agreements

If you are starting a small business in a brick-and-mortar location outside your home, you can get a corporate lawyer on your side by visiting a site like and asking them about real estate agreements and leases. You should know what you’re signing before you sign it and be provided with all legal documentation by your landlord. A corporate lawyer will go over all the fine print with you and be able to clarify any of the oddball legal jargon contained in those agreements.

Now that you know a few of the ways a corporate lawyer can help you with starting your small business, reach out and ask for that assistance. Your job is to develop your business, but it is also to get help protecting it.

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