Commercial Building Maintenance To Take Care Of Before Winter

Commercial Building Maintenance To Take Care Of Before Winter

Well before the days get shorter and outdoor temperatures to begin to drop, there are some important maintenance tasks that you will need to carry out. Getting your commercial property ready for the cold winter months is going to ensure that your employees and clients remain safe and comfortable in the coming months.

Service the Heating System

When it comes to seasonal maintenance, servicing the HVAC system is one of the most important tasks that must be carried out. HVAC systems need to endure quite a bit of wear and tear, and damage can take place at any time. Having an HVAC contractor inspect and service the system will give you peace of mind knowing that your commercial building is going to stay at a comfortable temperature at all times.

Inspect and Repair the Roof

At least once or twice a year, every commercial building should be inspected by an experienced roofing contractor. Those professionals will thoroughly check every component of a roof so that small cracks and leaks can be caught early on. If a leak is found, then you can work with a company like Everest Systems to have the opening patched with high-quality materials well before the first winter storm. Getting ahead of cracks will prevent them from spreading and causing further damage.

Check for Standing Water and Excess Moisture

While a little extra moisture around faucets and fixtures might not seem like a big deal, that excess water can wreak havoc on your building. Leaks and high humidity levels will increase your risk of mold, mildew, pest infestations, and damaged building materials. It is also recommended that all commercial buildings utilize leak sensors so that plumbing issues are caught and fixed right away.

Test the Air Quality

As soon as the weather begins to cool off, you and your employees are most likely going to spend much more time indoors. That is just one of the many reasons why you should consider having the air quality tested inside your commercial building. The easiest way to test the air quality is to set up air quality sensors in every room and near all of the entryways. You also have the option of hiring an HVAC contractor who specializes in comprehensive air quality tests.

Seasonal maintenance might seem like one more time-consuming project to carry out, but these tasks are very important. With a little bit of preventative maintenance, you can rest assured that your business will continue to run smoothly for many years to come.

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