A Comprehensive Guide to Redecorating Your Home on a Budget


These days, every penny counts, and when it comes to renovating and redecorating your home, the vast majority of people across the length and breadth of the country want to have a beautiful home but not have to re-mortgage it to achieve this.

So, in an attempt to help you bridge the gap between your absolute dream home décor and room design throughout the property and the practical limitations of what you can actually afford, you should continue reading.

Here is a comprehensive guide to redecorating your home on a budget.

The Living Room

Out of all the rooms in your home, your living room is the one place where you probably spend the most time, and as such, perhaps most of the money you will spend on redecorating your home should be concentrated on your living room.

Wallpapering the entirety of the room or even having a focal wall as you enter from the hallway is a cheap and cheerful way to entirely change the feel and aesthetics of the space. Another trick regarding the wallpaper you choose is, as you will only be requiring two rolls at the most, investing in more expensive and luxurious wallpaper to give the room a classy and stylish feel.

Other key ways to redecorate your living room on a tight budget include an extra-large rug to cover the majority of the floor space and investing in several soft, thick, and snuggly throws and blankets in similar colors yet contrasting textures for the sofa and chairs.

The Bathroom

Aside from the kitchen, clearly, the most functional and practical room within your entire home is that of the bathroom, and as such, when decorating on a budget, you need to think about practicality just as much as aesthetics.

Luckily, there is a wide plethora of ways to transform both the look and feel of your bathroom when working to a strict budget, such as incorporating accents of brass in the taps and light fittings, adding indoor plants, or even a small faux tree in the corner of the room and the addition of an oversized rug or even designer toiletries purely for show.

The Kitchen

The room in which you conduct most of the preparation of food and drinks, and in the case of a family home, making lunches for your children and partner needs to be clean and sanitized, yet still stylish, and should fit your personality and preferences.

In a recent study carried out in London in 2022, when asked which room of their home they would most like to entirely redecorate, the majority of people said it would be their kitchen. However, if you are not fortunate enough to be proverbially swimming in extra cash right now, then the following tips for a brand-new kitchen feel are bound to help:

  • Vinyl flooring
  • Open shelving units instead of cabinets
  • Mounted wall baskets
  • Bespoke herb holders
  • A feature wall
  • Fabric cushions on kitchen chairs
  • Indoor plants

The Porch

It can be tempting when looking to brightenup the entrance of your home to purchase several smaller ornaments and other décor pieces to situate on the windowsills, but as you will already know, the cost could quickly addup.

A far more dramatic makeover for your porch and entranceway, and one which will be significantly more affordable than you may think, is to invest in Victorian porch tiles. Not only will tiling your porch make for a beautiful aesthetic and an impressive visual focal point, but it will also make your entrance area significantly easier to maintain and keep clean.

The Bedroom

A new mirror, or even an antique-looking one from a flea market or thrift store, can make a huge difference to the look and feel of your bedroom, particularly if you hang a mirror high above your vanity table, which will maximize the natural light entering the room.

Other easy and affordable ways to redecorate your bedroom for a fresh new look could include:

  • Cozy and decorative throws on the bed
  • Adding extra feathers or stuffing into your pillows and cushions
  • Utilizing different textures and shades of the same color in fabrics
  • Choosing a statement light fitting for the main ceiling light
  • Having your curtains fall straight to the floor instead of ending at the windowsill

The Study

Perhaps you are one of the growing numbers of people who either entirely work from home or else split their time equally between home and office working and are looking to renovate and redecorate your office space?

If so, then the main thing to bear in mind, whether on the aforementioned budget or not, is to keep your desk as clear and as organized as possible. After all, a tidy home does indeed make for a tidy mind. Positioning your office desk underneatha window will provide you with natural light to work in throughout the day and also make you feel freer and less ‘cooped-up’ inside your room.

Investing in indoor plants, which thrive in the nature of the office environment and require little watering and maintenance, will make your office air clearer and make you feel more connected to the outdoors. Other fantastic ways of decorating your study on a budget could include layering cushions and throws in the corner of the room for a downtime space to take a break and building a bookcase to showcase your collection.

The Garden

Finally, when redecorating your home, you should not forget the garden, and there is a multitude of simple tips and tricks to make your outdoor space as interesting and attractive as the inside of your home.

Invest in an all-weather outdoor rug for the center of your patio, touch up and re-paint benches and chairs with a fresh coat of paint, stain, and varnish, and create a shaded area with a pergola that you can construct and erect yourself.

Your garden should be as much a part of your home and a safe, relaxing, and enjoyable space as your house itself.



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