Clean Up After a Storm With These 5 Tools and Services

Clean Up

While most homes can withstand your average storms, extreme weather events are becoming increasingly common in the U.S. In 2022 alone, 13 storms and weather events ranging from hail storms and tornadoes to hurricanes have caused more than $1 billion in damage.

Following one of these extreme weather events, you’ll probably get a check from your insurance company, but someone must clean up the mess in and around your home. Here are five tools and services that can help make cleanup easier to manage.


It often takes a while before the utilities get restored at your home. In the meantime, though, you will almost certainly need electricity. A portable generator can provide some electricity to your home, if it’s safe, or provide power for electrical tools on-site during the cleanup.

Personal Protective Equipment

Dealing with a post-extreme weather event at home can pose some risks to your own health. After all, you might find yourself dealing with broken glass, tainted water, and mold. You should take precautions with personal protective equipment. Some PPE essentials include:

  • Heavy-duty work gloves
  • N-95 masks
  • Cut-resistant work gloves

If you’re dealing with a post-flood home, you’ll need some other PPE, including eye protection, rubber boots, and waterproof/rubber gloves.

Dump Trailer

Depending on the kind of storm and the extent of the damage, you can find yourself disposing of a lot more stuff than your average garbage can will accommodate. For those situations, a 7×14 dump trailer can haul away up to 14 cubic yards of trash and debris. These are available for rent from hardware stores or local construction equipment companies.


One of the parts of your home most likely to suffer damage in a severe storm is your roof. Even worse, the interior of your home remains at risk as long as your roof remains compromised. A roofer can assess the damage and make repairs to protect your belongings.

Floor Restoration Services

Following a flood, you can remove a lot of the damaged personal belongings, but you’ll need a professional service to repair things like walls, damaged plumbing, and any damage to your electrical system. A flood restoration service can do all of that for you.

Dealing with the fallout from an extreme weather event can rival the stress of the weather itself. Your home is often in a terrible state, but the right tools and services can help you restore some order to your world. Always put a priority on personal safety with PPE. Get a generator for basic electrical needs, and consider a dump trailer for waste disposal. In terms of your home, roofers and flood restoration services can help set things right.



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