Times You’ll Need a Lawyer on Your Side as a Business Owner


Being a business owner is an amazing and rewarding experience, but it also comes with plenty of legal issues. From contracts to taxes to regulations, there will be times when you need the expertise of a lawyer to help you navigate the murky waters. Here are some of the most common times that a business owner should consider calling in legal assistance.

Starting or Selling Your Business

Whether you’re starting your business or selling it, having a lawyer on your side is always a good idea. A lawyer can help you with paperwork, contracts, and other legal documents related to starting or selling your business. They can also provide valuable advice on how best to structure the sale or purchase agreement so that both parties are protected legally. Additionally, they can advise on potential tax implications and help make sure that everything is done according to local laws and regulations.

Employment Issues

It’s likely that as your business grows, you’ll start hiring employees. As soon as this happens, having an employer attorney on retainer can be invaluable. They can help draft employment contracts and ensure that all hiring processes are fair and compliant with applicable laws. Additionally, they can provide advice if any disputes arise between employees or employers down the line. Having an employment attorney will allow you to rest easy knowing that any issues related to employees have been taken care of properly from the outset.

Suing Another Company

Sometimes it may be necessary for your company to sue another company for various reasons—intellectual property infringement being one of them. In these cases, having an experienced lawyer by your side will be crucial in making sure that all legal requirements are met and that any settlements are fair and equitable for both parties involved. Additionally, they can advise on potential risks associated with suing another company so that you’re fully prepared before taking action against them.

Having a good lawyer on retainer is an essential part of running any successful business—not just large corporations but small businesses too. Having someone who knows the ins-and-outs of law gives you peace of mind when navigating potentially tricky situations like starting or selling your business, dealing with employment issues, or even suing another company if necessary. If you don’t already have one on retainer for your business then now might be the time to consider getting one. With their expertise by your side you’ll have confidence knowing that all legal matters are being taken care of properly from day one!

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