4 Do’s and Dont’s of Driving by a Big Rig


Every day, thousands of semi-trucks drive on roads and highways across the country. As a driver, it is important to be aware of these large vehicles and know how to safely drive around them. Read on for some do’s and don’ts when driving by a semi-truck.


Give Trucks Their Space

The first rule of driving near a semi truck is to give them plenty of space. Semi trucks require more time and distance to stop than a regular car does due to their size and weight. When driving near one, make sure you are giving them enough room on the road so that they can stop safely if necessary.

This same principle applies to giving trucks time to come up to speed. When passing a truck, do not pull in front of it too quickly. Allow the truck to accelerate and maintain a safe speed until you are at least one full car length ahead before continuing on your way. This will keep both parties safe and ensure that everyone reaches their destination safely.

Follow Appropriate Speed Limits

It is important to always follow the speed limit when driving, especially when in close proximity with a semi truck. Remember that these large vehicles take much longer to slow down or come to a complete stop than cars do. By following the speed limit you will give yourself enough time to react in case of an emergency situation.

Be Aware of Blind Spots

All cars have blind spots, but semi trucks have even larger ones due to their size. When you see a semi truck nearby, be sure to make eye contact with the driver if possible before passing them, as they may not be able to see you in all their mirrors. Additionally, when turning or changing lanes around a semi truck, make sure to look in your rearview and side mirrors to ensure that you are not entering one of their blind spots.

Pass with Care

When driving by a semi, it’s important to pass with care. This means making sure that you have plenty of room between your vehicle and the truck before trying to pass. Never try to cut in front of a semi truck—these vehicles take much longer to slow down or stop than cars do, so it’s important to give them plenty of room when passing. Additionally, make sure that you signal before changing lanes or merging into traffic. That way, other drivers will be able to anticipate your next move.


Don’t Cut Off Semi Trucks

Cutting off or speeding up when trying to pass a semi truck can put both you and the other driver at risk for an accident. Always allow extra distance between your vehicle and theirs when passing so that you can ensure your safety as well as theirs.

If you cut off a semi truck, the consequences could be severe. Because these trucks are so large and heavy, they take much longer to stop than regular cars. If a truck driver needs to brake suddenly because of a mistake on your part, it could cause them to lose control of their vehicle or even jackknife, putting both you and the truck driver in danger. It is important to give semi trucks the space they need and pass with caution, as even a small mistake can have serious repercussions.

Don’t Crowd Their Lane

If there is heavy traffic on the highway or road, don’t crowd their lane by following too closely behind them or merging into it without warning. This could cause them to brake suddenly which could lead to an avoidable accident.

No matter where you’re going, always leave enough space between your vehicle and theirs. This will help ensure everyone’s safety by giving the truck driver time to slow down or stop in case of an emergency. When passing a truck, make sure that you are at least one full car length ahead before continuing on your way. Additionally, when changing lanes or merging into traffic, always make sure to signal. This will allow other drivers to anticipate your next move and give the truck driver time to adjust their speed accordingly.

Don’t Tailgate

Tailgating any vehicle is dangerous because it reduces reaction time in case of an emergency; this is especially true with semi trucks due to their size and weight being much greater than average cars and SUVs on the road today. So when driving behind one always maintain at least 2 car lengths away from them at all times.

Don’t Attempt to Pass on the Shoulder

Passing a semi truck on the highway can be intimidating, especially if there is heavy traffic around you. However, it is important never to attempt to pass a semi truck on the shoulder because this can be incredibly dangerous for other drivers and yourself. Not only is this illegal, but it can cause serious damage such as tire blowouts or collisions due to lack of visibility from the truck driver. Passing multiple semi trucks at once is also not recommended as they could potentially move into your lane while attempting to merge back in with traffic after passing one another.

Call for Help in the Event of an Accident

Safety is paramount on the road, but accidents do happen. In the event of an accident involving a semi truck, it is important to call for help immediately. If you or someone else is injured, seek medical attention as soon as possible. Additionally, it may be beneficial to contact an 18 wheeler accident lawyer if you have been involved in an accident with a semi truck. An experienced attorney can provide the legal assistance you need to navigate the complex process of filing a claim and recovering damages.

Driving around semi-trucks can be intimidating but it doesn’t have to be! As long as you keep these simple do’s and dont’s in mind when driving by one then there shouldn’t be anything stopping you from getting from point A to point B safely! Always remember that safety should always come first whether it’s behind the wheel of your own car or sharing the road with larger vehicles like semi-trucks.

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