How to Save Energy, Money, and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint

For innumerable reasons, energy conservation is crucial and advantageous on both large and small scales. Straightforward energy-saving practices can help you cut off your bills and save money, boost the value of your property, and promote green environment all at once. No matter what your initial reasons were for conserving energy, you can enjoy these wonderful advantages as a result. You can start to benefit from all of the advantages of being energy efficient by only making one simple step toward leading a more energy-conscious lifestyle and employing energy management systems. 

The same practices of types of energy management systems also lower the carbon footprints of highly urbanized areas. As it helps to alleviate the consequences of climate change, enhances public health, stimulates the global economy, and preserves biodiversity, lowering your carbon footprint is crucial for a more sustainable environment.

What is Carbon Footprint?

The entire amount of greenhouse gases—including carbon dioxide and methane—that are produced as a result of our actions is known as a carbon footprint.

The average carbon footprint globally is more like 4 tons. The average annual global carbon footprint must fall to under 2 tons by 2050 if we are to have the best chance of preventing a 2°C rise in global temperatures. Thailand has a 2.6 ecological footprint compared to a 1.2 biocapacity, resulting in a 1.4 deficit.

12 ways to Save Energy, Money, and Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

Naturally, spending more time at home will affect your household’s carbon footprint. In order to help you save energy and lessen your carbon footprint and energy costs while working from home, we asked our team of energy advisers for some suggestions. They stated the following.

1. Work with natural lights

Selecting a workspace in your house is difficult, especially if you’re not used to doing so. An energy-efficient option for your workstation would be to locate a place that receives enough natural light.

The expense of purchasing and maintaining a desk lamp for the majority of the day can be eliminated in a room with enough free natural light.

2. Utilize your thermostat

If you are not used to working from home throughout the day, you should probably utilize your heating controls more often. For example, you should turn off the radiators in the areas where you won’t be working. If you’re going to spend most of the day in one place, there’s no point in heating your entire house. If you don’t commute, you might discover that you get to spend an extra hour in bed each morning. As a result, you may even program your heating to turn on an hour later.

3. Turn off all charges and unused electronics.

It’s true that some chargers won’t draw any power while plugged in but unplugged from their device. However, many people do employ so-called “vampire power.” Check to see whether the charger is warm to determine if you are a vampire power victim. If something is warm, energy is being used, which costs you money.

Simply unplugging all chargers when not in use is the simplest technique to ensure that you aren’t wasting energy.

When not in use, practice unplugging any electronics, such as TVs in the bedroom, consoles, and kitchen appliances, as opposed to leaving them on or on standby all day.

4. Maximize the energy-saving settings of your devices.

Make the most of the power-saving features in your IT hardware. The energy usage of your equipment can be 10% lower thanks to some energy-saving settings.

5. Boil only the amount you need

Many of us have a habit of filling the kettle to the top while making tea or coffee, although doing so wastes so much energy.

Better yet, boil only the water you require the next time you make yourself a cup of coffee or tea. And if you have so much to use in your hot water, boil the overall amount you need at once.

6. When not in use, turn off the lights.

For most houses, lighting represents a considerable energy expense. This expense might increase if you work from home for longer periods of time, perhaps when your kids are out of school. The simplest method to minimize this additional expense is to make sure your lights are off whenever they are not in use.

7. Work flexibly and intelligently

Does your energy provider offer you discounted rates during the day? If this is the case, why not make the most of it by working more during off-peak times when your energy expenditures may be lower and less during times when electricity is most expensive? This may also be true for other energy sources like gas and others. You may compound your tasks and chores to when it costs cheaper for you.

8. Layer up your clothing

Working from home might provide you the opportunity to wear whatever you choose, within reason, instead of your typical workplace attire or uniform. So instead of cranking up the heat, why not just put on a hoodie or a thick sweater while working from home when you feel chilly? 

9. Repair drafty windows and doors.

Reducing heat loss is one of the best methods to lower your heating costs. Plugging the spaces where warm air is escaping is the simplest and least expensive approach to achieve this.

You can quickly, easily, and affordably replace excessively drafty doors and windows using supplies you probably already have lying around the house and shed, such as sealant, brush strips, and foam tape.

10. Get in touch with reputable electrical gadget manufacturers.

Schneider Electric is a reputable manufacturer and distributor of contemporary electronic devices that can work smarter and energy efficiently. You may also speak with the experts to be introduced t more strategic practices suitable for your household in order to save electricity and money and emit low carbon footprints.

11. Wash your items on the cold water cycle.

Additionally, run FULL loads of laundry. This will save you some time and money by reducing the quantity of water and energy utilized. Since using your dryer uses a lot of electricity, bonus points if you line dry!

12. Replace or clean your air filters.

Your HVAC system is just one of the many items in your house that need filters. These systems frequently have reminders that are displayed to change or clean filters on a regular basis. You could save money by doing this in addition to preventing the need for expensive repairs to your air conditioning or other systems. In fact, according to The DOE, replacing soiled filters on a regular basis can cut household energy use by 5 to 5 percent. This is so that your system won’t be overworked and because clean filters are more effective. You should normally check your filters every month or two to see whether they need to be changed, or you may check the manufacturer’s recommendations for the specific HVAC equipment you have.

Install Energy Management System (EMS)

An energy management system is a framework used by energy consumers, such as businesses, governments, and other industrial and commercial entities, to control their energy consumption. It aids businesses in finding ways to adapt and enhance energy-saving technology, including ones that don’t necessarily involve a significant capital outlay. Energy management systems (HEMSs) at home aid in the control of electricity demand to maximize energy use and distribute renewable energy generation without sacrificing the comfort of users. HEMSs operate based on a variety of factors, including energy costs, climatic factors, load profiles, and consumer comfort.

Advantages of Energy Management System

Today, we cannot live without power, but as usage rises, so do costs and a company’s carbon imprint. A requirement for an energy management system (EMS) arises in this situation. A system that monitors, regulates and optimizes the use and transmission of energy is known as an EMS.

Boost general health and productivity

A person won’t feel like working if they are uneasy in their surroundings. Lighting and temperature control are, therefore, crucial for ensuring productivity. With an EMS, you can control indoor temperature while using less energy and maintain enough lighting with fewer lights. This increases productivity and general well-being. Similarly, keeping mold and germs away by ensuring ideal ventilation, lighting, and temperature lowers the likelihood of diseases.

minimize expenses

When your energy bill is excessive, you might need to reduce other costs like marketing, R & D, etc. This will ultimately hurt your ability to succeed. However, you may lower energy wastage and hence operational costs using an energy management system. As a result, you can reallocate money to pay for things like employee salaries, marketing, etc.

Boost Property Value

Having an EMS significantly raises the value of your space if you own it and plan to sell it someday. Both private homes and business buildings are subject to this. Why not, then? The system lowers total energy costs while simultaneously lowering repair costs.

Get Started with Energy Management System

These systems can be modified to your specifications while still being energy-efficient. It is the best option whether you want to cut down on your impact on global warming or save operational costs.

Schneider Electric’s Energy Management System (EMS) offers transmission operators greater incorporation into the transmission and sub-transmission networks, with the capability of operating either as a standalone system or integrated with Schneider Electric’s ADMS. 

With energy management system software for Load Flow, State Estimation, Optimal Power Flow, Fault Calculation, Contingency Analysis, Performance Indices, Optimal Topology Change, and Voltage Stability, Schneider Electric’s Energy Management System lets utilities to better operate, visualize, optimize, and maintain transmission and sub-transmission networks. 

Visit to get in touch with Schneider Electric Thailand.

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