3 Things Cluttering Your Conference Rooms

Conference Rooms

The conference room is one of the most important rooms in a workplace. After all, it’s a place where data is presented, decisions are taken, and deals are made. Thus, you want your conference room to look a certain way. Primarily you want a space that looks professional and inviting for your team, clients, and partners. While this heavily depends on interior design choices, clutter can really make an otherwise well-decorated conference room look unprofessional and uninviting. 

So here are 3 things cluttering your conference rooms and what to do about it

Unnecessary Furniture 

You don’t need that much furniture in a conference room, only furniture that is essential for the smooth running of meetings. For example, having too many chairs not only takes up valuable space and makes the room feel cramped but they can also be a distraction for attendees who may feel tempted to fidget or move around.

Similarly, massive conference tables can be useful for certain types of meetings, but generally, they just take up a lot of space and make it difficult for attendees to collaborate effectively.

Consider measuring the length and width of your conference room and getting the appropriate table size. You also want to find out the average number of meeting attendees and limit the number of chairs accordingly, give or take 2 chairs. 

Unorganized Cables 

In a conference room, there are likely to be many different types of cables – HDMI, VGA, USB, power cables, etc – and these cables and wires can quickly become a tangled mess, not just creating a hazard but also adding clutter. Plus this also means damage to the cables themselves and the need for costly replacements as well as difficulty setting up and using conference room equipment like projectors, screens, and sound systems.

So you want to have a cable management system in place such as cable ties, cable clips, and cable covers to keep the cables out of sight and even labeling the cables to indicate their purpose. If more extensive organization is required, consider consulting an electrical wiring technician

Outdated Equipment 

While any conference room definitely needs equipment, outdated equipment can easily clutter up the space. For example, old projectors and unused whiteboards can make the room feel cramped and cluttered. Outdated equipment can even create visual clutter as their unsightliness may make it difficult for people to focus on meeting agendas

Evaluate your conference room and replace outdated equipment with modern alternatives that are more functional and take up less space. For example, replace whiteboards with high-definition displays, and copious files with cloud-based storage software. You can even invest in all-in-one conference room systems that can integrate multiple functions, such as video conferencing, displays, and wireless connectivity, into a single device.

An uncluttered conference room can really impress as clutter is a sign of unprofessionalism. So, you want to regularly evaluate your conference room to ensure that it’s clean, organized, and functional. Remove any unnecessary items and invest in modern technology and equipment to make the space more productive and efficient.

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