Helpful Guide To Choosing Email Marketing Software for Small Business

email marketing software for small business

Due to the growing popularity of email marketing, it’s important that companies have a suitable strategy to plan and launch campaigns. Sending email marketing content the old-fashioned way is tedious and time-consuming. This makes it beneficial to use email marketing software for small business. However, there’s an impressive volume of options available on the market. Therefore, it’s important to know how you can choose the best one.

What Content Are You Sending?

One of the first factors to consider is the type of emails your business plans to send. Some examples include newsletters, transactional emails, and drip campaigns. In most cases, however, businesses need to send a variety of emails to prospects and customers. That’s why you’ll need email marketing software for small business that provides different options and templates to design emails according to your needs.

Does It Offer Round-The-Clock Customer Support? 

Nowadays, customer support is essential for all programs and services. This is especially the case for programs that are designed to streamline business operations. Even if you choose the best email marketing software for small business, you’ll still need some support and guidance. For instance, when you’re learning to use certain features or when the program isn’t performing as expected.

What Features Should The Email Marketing Software for Small Business Have? 

Before going through different options, you must consider what features you’re seeking in email marketing software for small business. Ideally, your preferred option should offer things like templates and A/B testing.

Having different templates allows you to choose from pre-set designs to create a new email layout. In A/B testing, you deliver two versions of an email to see how they perform. Also, consider the number of emails you can send because it’s common for email marketing software for small business to have a limit.

Does The Email Marketing Software for Small Business Personalize Content? 

For your email marketing strategy to be effective, you need to be able to target customers at specific points of their customer journey. It’s why you need email marketing software for small business that allows you to segment subscribers into different groups. For instance, based on whether they’ve made a purchase or not, whether they’re a recurring customer, etc. This will allow you to send personalized emails to prospects.

Does It Allow Automation? 

Remember, email marketing software for small business isn’t efficient until you can set up a campaign and let the program do the rest. The software should have certain triggers in place to send emails.

This allows you to design a customer journey that includes different actions, such as adding their name to a mailing list or making their first purchase. Each time they take one of these important actions, it should trigger relevant emails automatically.

This is important because as your small business grows, you won’t have the capacity to address each customer individually. Therefore, you can successfully cater to a bigger customer base with ease.

What Apps Do You Want To Integrate? 

It’s likely that your business uses other software to manage operations, such as eCommerce applications. These programs are an important source of information that you can use to target customers.

By integrating these applications into your email marketing software for small business, you can use important insights such as preferences, demographics, and purchase history. Let’s say that a customer added something to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase. This is critical information that you can use in targeted emails to deliver results.

Does It Deliver Reports? 

Every email marketing campaign gives you the opportunity to learn and improve future strategies. But the only way to do this is by looking at certain performance metrics to evaluate whether a campaign met its goals.

It’s why you need robust email marketing software for small business that can analyze large amounts of data over a large time period to give you a detailed report on performance. A simple example is that the program evaluates sales and revenue after each email marketing campaign to calculate the ROI.

Does It Ensure Deliverability? 

Lastly, you need to ensure that prospects and customers actually receive your emails. A high deliverability rate allows your emails to reach the customer’s inbox without running into blockers. Your company should use email marketing software for small business that implements best practices so that the maximum number of people see your emails.


These are some of the factors that you should consider when choosing email marketing software for small business. You should consider the type of content you want to send, the features you’re looking for, and whether the program personalizes content. Moreover, it should also allow integration with other applications and deliver reports so you can upgrade future strategies.

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