Common Auto-Brake Issues and What They Mean

Your car’s brakes are an essential component that ensures your safety and that of other road users. However, just like any other part of your car, your brakes are prone to wear and tear, which may lead to various auto-brake issues. Most of these auto-brake issues give warning signs before they worsen, and it’s crucial to identify them early to avoid potential accidents on the road. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most common auto-brake issues and what they mean for your car.

Squeaking or Grinding Noises

If your brakes are making a squeaking or grinding noise, this is usually a sign of worn brake pads. When your brake pads wear down, they can begin to grind against the rotor which is often what makes that noise. If left unattended, the rotor will sustain significant damage, which can lead to costly repairs or even a malfunction in your brakes. Therefore, it’s essential to schedule a brake inspection as soon as you start hearing any unusual noises.

Soft or Spongy Brakes

If your brakes feel soft or spongy, this usually means that there’s air in the brake lines, which is preventing the hydraulic pressure from building up properly. This can be dangerous as it can lead to extended stopping distances and reduced control when braking. A professional mechanic can quickly diagnose and fix this issue by bleeding the brake lines and refilling the brake fluid.

Pulling to One Side

If your vehicle pulls to one side when you apply the brakes, this is usually a sign of uneven brake pad wear. The brake pads on each wheel should wear down evenly, but sometimes one side will wear down more quickly than the other side if there is anything uneven in the system or material of the pads. Additionally, a malfunctioning brake caliper could cause uneven wear. A mechanic will be able to assess the cause of such auto-brake issues and make the necessary repair.

Brake Warning Light

If your brake warning light comes on, it usually means that the car’s system identified an issue with its braking system. This could be caused by a low brake fluid level, worn brake pads, or a more severe problem like a damaged brake line or faulty brake master cylinder. In any case, it’s essential to get your brakes inspected as soon as possible to avoid compromising your safety.

Vibrating or Shaking Brakes

If your brakes vibrate or shake when you apply them, this is often an indicator that your brake rotors need repair. This could be due to hot spots, excessive wear, or damage from hitting a curb or pothole. Driving with warped rotors can cause uneven stopping distances and can also cause brake pads to wear down faster. It’s essential to have your brakes inspected and fixed as soon as possible to avoid further complications.

Your car’s brakes are an essential component that you shouldn’t take for granted. Keeping your brakes in good working condition is crucial to your safety and that of others on the road. If you experience any of the auto-brake issues discussed in this blog post, don’t hesitate to take your car to a mechanic, like Coronado Shell, to get it inspected and fixed. Regular brake inspections and maintenance can help prevent these issues from occurring, ensuring that your brakes are always in top condition.


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