4 Qualities of a Great Manager

4 Qualities of a Great ManagerManager

As they say, a team is only as good as its leader. Effective leadership is a critical part of success, which is why not just anyone can go into management. Certain qualities set good managers apart from great ones, which will ultimately determine whether a team succeeds or fails. Whether it’s you leading your team, or someone else, here are some of the most important qualities that a great manager should possess.

Quick Thinking Skills

A great manager knows how to solve problems on the fly. Whether a transformer fails, or a critical member of their team is out sick, strong management skills call for someone who can think on their toes. Rather than giving into panic or stress, they’re clear-headed and focused during moments of difficulty. Think of a manager as an army general. When the enemy sweeps in, they don’t flee and head for shelter, they put on their battle gear and they lead their troops.

Strong Communication Skills

Management is all about communication. Therefore, someone who effectively leads a team is someone who knows how to clearly communicate with their team what it is that they hope for them to do. Not only do they know how to relay information, and give feedback, but they also know how to listen. Remember, communication is a two way road.  

A great manager is one that practices active listening, makes everyone on the team feel understood. A manager serves as the communication channel between their team and management above them. As such, strong management skills are critical to make sure nothing gets lost in translation.

Emotional Intelligence

Management is so much more than just making sure the job gets done.  It’s also often about managing people’s emotions and de-escalating conflicts. A strong manager knows how to connect with the emotions of their team members and knows when to step in and when to stay out.  

They also know the importance of recognizing each team member’s skills. They pay attention to where their team members excel, and where they could use improvement.  In turn, they know where to place each team member to get the best performance out of their employees.


The managers who are the most respected are the ones who do more than just critique and correct. They also recognize hard work and give their employees positive feedback. They create a positive work environment that motivates employees to keep working hard and showing up to do their job. After all, if a manager is only there to tell you when you do things wrong, and never tells you when you’re doing anything right, it’s hardly a motivating work environment.

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