4 Tips for Building a Social Media Following

4 Tips for Building a Social Media Following

In 2024 social media is more important than ever —especially when it comes to building your business.  However, your business isn’t going to build a social media following overnight with minimal effort. It will take time and a little bit of strategy if you hope to broaden your audience and shine a light on your profile. 

Here are some of the best tips for getting your numbers up, and making a name for yourself—whether it be on Facebook Instagram, or Twitter.

Know Your Audience

The first thing you have to do is understand who your audience is. If you try to reach a broad social media following with no specific demographics in mind, then you’re probably going to miss the mark. 

However, if you can pinpoint exactly what age group profession and geographical area you’re trying to appeal to, then you can really fine-tune your content and visuals, increasing your chances of catching people’s eye.

Post Consistently

Posting once a month isn’t going to get you the kind of audience you’re after. You need to regularly post content, whether you post a promotional video, or a informational blog post. The more you post, the more you remind your audience that you exist as a brand.

Consequently, the next time that your social media following needs the kind of products or services that you offer, they’ll think of you first!  In other words, the more visible you are, the more you’ll stay top of mind.


One of the biggest mistakes that people make on social media is believing that it’s a one-way interaction. It’s not only up to your audience to interact with you, you’ll have to engage back and forth. That means answering messages and commenting on posts. 

Post content that starts a conversation so you can get a dialogue going between you and your followers. When you create a sense of belonging and connection, then people will continue to visit your page because they resonate with it. This is what makes social media so unique because it makes people feel like they connect with you on a personal level.

Stay Up to Date With Trends

Remember, people want to see content that is relevant and up-to-date with trends. So make sure that you are current with what’s going on in the world, and what kind of social media content is popular. Perhaps there’s a certain topic or even a news story that you could touch on. 

Staying up to date with the latest trends is a powerful way to reach a wider audience thanks to tools like hashtags. The more relevant your posts are,  the more they’ll show up in people’s feeds, and the more likely they’ll be to stop scrolling and check out your post.

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