Running a successful tech company requires the ability to not only provide security and top-notch customer service to clients, but also the ability to unify your employees and company as a whole. Ensuring that different branches of your tech company are unified at all times is essential to minimize the […]
Technology Updates, Tech Tips | The category of Technology on Entrepreneur Blog publishes helpful tips and ideas in the Technology niche.
Facebook Ad Feud Escalated by Elizabeth Warren
The days-long feud between Facebook and Senator Elizabeth Warren intensified over the weekend as the latter openly accused the social media giant of taking money for promoting lies. A leading Democratic candidate for 2020, Warren has taken aim at the company concerning its role in spreading disinformation against herself and other candidates. […]
Revolut Wants to Join Fintech Elite by Targeting $1.5 Billion
British based banking and digital payments group, Revolut is trying to raise $1.5 billion (£1.2bn) from its investors as part of its aim to become one of the most highly-prized fintech companies in the world. According to Sky News, the company has hired the investment bank JP Morgan for orchestrating two things; issuing a […]
Why Huawei is Not so Scary
There is no doubt that 5G has become a buzzword nowadays, but it is reckless and a mistake to believe the notion that countries need to rush to deploy it. Doing so can actually increase the chances of security breaches. 5G is important; there is no denying this fact as […]
A Comprehensive Guide to Fintech by Frederick Achom
You all might have heard about the buzzword fintech? But I am sure many of you must be wondering as to what exactly is this term about? Financial technology also known as fintech is the boom of the financial industry. The literal meaning of the term is the use and […]
What is the Future of 5G Technology
Wireless technology is evolving rapidly to increase the effectivity, performance, and reliability of the 4G wireless activity ecosystem we have today. Wireless technology began with voice-only 1G capabilities, SMS and MMS in 2G, and 3G networks that brought internet capabilities to mobile devices. The future of 5G, however, is still […]
Things to Know when Leasing Land for Solar Farm Development
The use of solar energy is on the rise and solar companies require land where solar arrays can be installed. This means that farmers and landowners have the option of leasing their land for these solar installations. However, when you are a farmer or landowner, you need to do your […]
E-Learning Solutions As A Way To Survive The Business Competition
Nowadays, business is more competitive than ever before. Proven experience and deep knowledge have become the main factors of surviving on the international level. Consequently, enterprises are now paying a lot more attention to their employees’ constant skills improvement. Projects are becoming more and more comprehensive and require some specific […]
Stay Up to Date! A List of the Newest Tech Trends for Businesses
Is your business moving as fast as technology? There are many new tech tools that can help your business gain an edge against the competition. But in order to implement them, you have to understand what they are first. From data management to marketing, here are some of the newest […]
4 Types of Technology to Implement in Your Business to Streamline Processes
Technology is a critical component of running a business in the contemporary age. If you want your business to be able to stand a chance, then you need to prioritize technology. There are specific technology options out there that can simplify operating your business in a big way, too. […]
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