
Workplace Ideas, Workplace Tips | The category of Workplace on Entrepreneur Blog publishes helpful tips and ideas in the Workplace niche.

DCS Multiserve: Accents in the Workplace

DCS Multiserve: Accents in the Workplace

Whether we love it or hate it, people around the United Kingdom have different accents. What are the attitudes towards them, and what impact do they have on employment? Does your accent determine your employability? Everyone wants to be treated equally at work, but it seems that a regional accent […]

5 Common Workplace Safety Hazards

5 Common Workplace Safety Hazards

Workplace safety has become a concern and is of paramount importance in preventing and limiting controllable mishaps in the workplace. Many companies have put policies and safety measures in place to protect the lives of employees and themselves and thus minimize the occurrences of these mishaps. It is important that […]