Other News

Virtual Events In A Post-Pandemic World: Why They Are Definitely Here To Stay

Virtual Events In A Post-Pandemic World: Why They Are Definitely Here To Stay

The coronavirus pandemic caused the cancellation of countless events in 2020 across the MENA region. With very short notice, many large-scale events like trade shows and expos, careers and education fairs, and graduation ceremonies had to be postponed or canceled. Quick-thinking organizations were able to move some events online; this […]

Google Cloud Anthos’ Quick Guide To Success

Google Cloud Anthos’ Quick Guide To Success

The lockdown has indeed increased the demand for trustworthy and reliable online services, and the companies which offer those were found boasting even under the new pandemic circumstances. Some of them grew by over 50% back in 2019, but there were not many of those. But in the Cloud department, […]

How To Buy A Stylish Apple Watch Band

How To Buy A Stylish Apple Watch Band

Apple watch bands can make you stand out from the crowd. You can wear a renewed version of the smartwatch every day simply by changing the band. You can strap on a highly professional-looking metal band when you have to attend a meeting or go for a job interview, while […]