Other News

So Expensive - Saffron Powder and its Uses

So Expensive – Saffron Powder and its Uses

Saffron as a food has overtaken the world’s other expensive food varieties, like caviar, truffles, and balsamic vinegar (the original.) It is sold for about $2,000 – $10,000 a pound, depending on the location and quality. It has a long history, and is revered in all parts of the world […]

6 Strategies for Managing Unfair Competition from Former Employees

6 Strategies for Managing Unfair Competition from Former Employees

Protecting trade secrets and proprietary information helps to keep companies competitive. Some employers assume their employees will always be honest, loyal workers and just ignore the risks associated with losing control of trade secrets, but that’s a mistake. Former employees who have had access to proprietary information during their employment […]