Other News

Tips for Organizing Your Paperwork

Tips for Organizing Your Paperwork

Eighty percent of the information in offices is still paper-based even in the age of technology and electronics. And businesses spend time retrieving lost documents and organizing files non-stop, which is a waste of energy, time, and human resources. Staff spend more time than they should in terms of looking for […]

Social Media in Web 3.0 - Pden

Social Media in Web 3.0 – Pden

In first half of last decade very few people could have imagined the scope of what was then a nascent industry of Social Media. It was one of the best innovations of the 21st century when suddenly a large number of humans felt a lot more connected. The social media […]

5 Tips to a More Productive Office Space in Huston

5 Tips to a More Productive Office Space in Huston

The workplace environment significantly impacts the employees working experience and efficiency. Not surprisingly, Hassell and Empirica Research reported that up to 37% of job-seekers are willing to accept a job that offers a lower paycheck as long as the company has attractive facilities and technology. From nanotechnology to medical care, […]