9 Steps for Successful Flier Marketing

9 Steps for Successful Flier Marketing

Over 60% of direct mail recipients visited a website, particularly with a focus on first-time shoppers. US citizens are a nation that loves to receive mail, so why shouldn’t your flier be part of what they receive? 

Print marketing is most certainly not dead, nor is it close to dying. 

So have you considered old school methods of ma rketing, like taking fliers door to door? Or inserting them into mailboxes? Here’s how to successfully do flier marketing for your brand. 

1. Keep it Short and Sweet

We mean this as literally as can be taken. Take into account the size of your flier and how much information you can communicate in the most pleasing manner. 

Your message should be short and sweet and to the point. If you have many different services, it may be impossible to fit all the information in one marketing flier. 

So decide on the service or a few services you want to promote and focus your flier content on that. 

2. Keep it Focused

It may seem like a good idea to mass print a million copies and distribute them as far and wide as humanly possible. But before you do this, consider if the service or product you’re selling is relevant to people 100 or even 500 miles away. 

Keep your fliers geographically focused and relevant to the people who will require your business’ service. 

3. Use Bullet Points and Icons

Presenting your content in a great way will come down to how you divide it up. Use bullet points and iconography to break up the information and present it in a way that is aesthetically pleasing to the receiver. 

This will make the information easier to understand.

4. Write a Catchy Headline 

Your flier marketing is all about how you catch your reader’s attention. Creating a catchy headline is going to get you on the right track right from the start. 

It’s your fishing hook, make sure you make the catch with just the first few words. 

5. Keep Your Design Elegant 

If you decide to go too crazy with your design, your flier can become too confusing and difficult for someone to read. 

Keep your design elegant, and minimize your text to just one or two fonts. If you add too many fancy elements, the chances are your reader will put your flier down. 

6. Include a Call-To-Action 

A great flier is about more than pretty images and a catchy headline. You’ve got to ‘tell people’ what to do with the information they’ve just received. 

Do you want them to place an order? Or perhaps visit your store? Or shop on your website? Tell them what to do, encourage them to take action. It will also help with monitoring the performance of your flier marketing campaign. 

7. Include Your Contact Information 

This may sound like an obvious tip, but many companies put together great, actionable fliers and then neglect to put in sufficient contact information for people to call through and request more information. 

Make sure that you include your contact information. 

8. Have a Flier Marketing Strategy 

It’s all good and well that you create amazing fliers, but what exactly is the plan? Make sure you have a clear strategy as to your goals and what you’d like to accomplish. 

Include distribution points in your strategy so that you can monitor where your fliers are working best. 

9. Prioritize Your Proofreading 

There’s nothing worse than receiving a great flier with incredible design, catchy colors, a great headline and then stumbling upon poor grammar and spelling. 

Prioritize the proofreading of your flier before you go to print, and always get a proof printed out so you can give it one more scan before you give the go-ahead. New Era Print Solutions is the type of place who will help you through the process of your flier print production, and make sure the job is done right. 

Flier Marketing For The Win 

Now you’re headed down flier marketing street with your ideal destination in mind. 

Make sure that along your journey you measure your progress, and you adjust your steering wheel for any obstacles in the road. If you’re not getting the results you’d like, you may need to tweak your message or your design until you do. 

Head on over to our social media articles to see how you can succeed in the digital arena. 

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