4 Benefits of Marketing Automation

4 Benefits of Marketing Automation

What are the biggest benefits of marketing automation? How can this technique and software help increase your company’s sales? Find out now.

Looking for a way to get higher-quality leads, make the most out of your advertising budget, and ensure that you always have future sales in the pipeline? 

If so, then you should consider joining the over 50% of businesses that are currently experiencing the benefits of marketing automation for themselves. 

In a nutshell, marketing automation helps you to avoid having to spend time and money on the manual side of the marketing process. This means instead of having to upload your next Instagram post or send out that Monday morning email blast, you can automate the task instead. 

The same goes for other marketing tactics like analyzing website data, retargeting, and even sending out text messages to let clients know about upcoming sales and in-store events. 

Still, perhaps you’re a bit skeptical and would like to learn more about the advantages of automation in marketing. 

Read on to find out why now is the time to embrace it. 

1. Marketing Automation Saves Time

Did you know that the average business spends about 20 hours — half the workweek itself — on marketing? 

How much more do you think you’d be able to accomplish if you could find 20 extra hours within your workweek? Would you be able to have more face-to-face meetings with customers? Meet with suppliers and negotiate a better deal? Get feedback from your employees on roadblocks to productivity? 

We’re willing to bet that you could do a lot with all that extra time. 

Sometimes, marketing can feel a bit like busy work — and it can be so tedious that you make mistakes or even “forget” to do it altogether. 

The biggest of all the benefits of marketing automation is that you won’t just save time on your marketing strategy. You’ll also finally be able to implement a consistent marketing schedule — the key to the kind of results you need. 

2. The Chance to Learn From Marketing Data

What’s another one of the top benefits of marketing with automation?

It gives you the chance to dive deeper into the website visitor, email clicks, and other customer data that it collects. 

Instead of guessing which kinds of marketing campaigns are the most effective or which social media platform your target market spends the most time on, the data collected by marketing automation tools allows you to know for sure. 

This means you can better optimize future campaigns and increase your conversions in the future — all without having to spend hours collecting and interpreting data on your own. 

You’ll also be able to identify potential roadblocks within the customer journey. Where are people navigating away from your website? When might the inclusion of a chatbot help them determine what to do next and close the sale? 

Automation allows you to capture as many leads — and by extension, returning customers — as possible. 

3. Marketing Savings

How many times have you invested more money than you would have liked into a marketing campaign that you were confident would lead directly to profits or email signups, only to find that it completely failed to meet your expectations? 

Yes, working with a marketing agency is crucial to help you come up with creative advertisements and properly understand your competitors and target market. 

However, they can also be quite expensive — and you want to be certain that you’ll see results. 

Marketing automation can make that happen. 


First of all, you’ll spend much less money on the cost of labor. (Think about all those freelancers or temporary workers you have to hire to send out emails or tweets.) 

Plus, marketing automation helps you to better connect with people who are the most likely to make a purchase from you (because they’ve actively signed up to receive a text, email, or have chosen to follow you on social media.) 

You’re constantly keeping in touch with people who already like your company while boosting your brand recognition. 

Plus, the last time we checked, sending an email or posting a picture on Instagram is free. 

If you’re looking for a marketing strategy with an incredibly impressive ROI, you can’t go wrong with automation. 

4. Increased Flexibility 

One final benefit marketing solutions that are automated have to offer? 

They allow you, your employees, and even your customers to have a much higher level of flexibility. 

You no longer have to be present at your desk or tied to your phone every Tuesday at 10:00 AM so send out an email or make a post on social media at the optimal time. 

Instead, automated posting takes care of that while you run meetings, develop new products, or maybe even while you relax on a much-needed vacation. 

You’re also able to reach your target market across multiple channels at the same time — no more copy-pasting a post from Twitter to Facebook. This also means your customers can communicate with your company on the platform that’s most convenient for them — and that’s a sure way to win their business. 

Experience the Benefits of Marketing Automation for Yourself

We hope this post helped you to understand not only what marketing automation can do, but also why it’s well worth investing in. 

The benefits of marketing automation include saved time and money, less stress and more flexibility, and the opportunity to use past marketing data to strengthen future ad campaigns. 

Of course, this is just one way to improve your marketing strategy. 

You should also consider tactics like hyperlocalization, giveaways on social media, and story marketing. 

Looking for more assistance on how to take your marketing plan to the next level? 

Bookmark our blog to make sure you never miss out on the latest marketing tips and tricks. 


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