Connecting the Dots From Snail Mail to Digital Marketing With Mail Retargeting

Connecting the Dots From Snail Mail to Digital Marketing With Mail Retargeting

Since digital marketing is not all sunshine and rainbows, mail retargeting is trying to bridge the gaps in conversions through traditional snail mail. Digital marketing is undergoing the phase of saturation due to the sheer volume of advertisements overwhelming the consumers on every possible medium. It is hard to cut through this clutter for the consumers.

This is where direct mail remarketing helps to improve the response rates for business ads. With the right automation tools, you can easily trigger mails based on your campaign builder or generate the list of recipients from your CRM. It offers benefits like:

Lesser Distractions

Through direct mail, you give the consumers more time to think and assess the benefits of buying your products or services. There is no anticipation of buying or taking action immediately. Also, the customers aren’t bombarded with advertisements from competitors bidding for their attention.

On the other hand, the recipients of direct mail are motivated to consider the offer even if they don’t act on it. It keeps the identification of your brand in their minds, and they may get back to your business in the future.

According to the data collected by the Digital Marketing Association (DMA), the average response rate of direct mail is about 25%, while the click-through rate of digital ads hovers around 0.6%. Also, nearly 60% of customers visit the website after receiving snail mail in their mailboxes.

No Intense Competition

Since the digital landscape is cluttered with paid searches, banner ads, emails, and sponsored social media posts, consumers are overwhelmed with competing choices. The screen-based environment is getting fiercely competitive due to the rise of digital marketing in the past few years. It has become noisy.

But, direct mail is a more efficient way to put across your brand message without overwhelming the customers with irrelevant ads. It gives you a better prospect to stand out and engage your targeted audience through their mailboxes instead of inboxes.

Personalized Messages

Through mail retargeting, you can increase the response rate for your messages by more than 50%. It is mainly due to the personalization of messages in this technique. Direct mail helps to create a direct association with the customers. Mostly, it is sent to visitors already interested in your products.

With personalized messages, you can increase the chances of converting them into buyers. The conversion rates can be about 18.5 in this method of engagement. Remember, the emotional impact of snail mail is great because people value tangible objects more than digital content.

Quality Website Traffic

A DMA survey also says that nearly 78% of consumers will either visit your website or perform an online search for your product after receiving a direct mail. When they visit the website, chances of bouncing to other websites are bleak because these are the people who were already looking for your brand. This creates quality leads and focused traffic on your website.

To optimize your marketing budget and efforts, think out of the box and leverage strategies like direct mail remarketing to win over the competition and drive better traffic to your website.

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