7 of the Best Digital Content Strategies for Small Businesses

7 of the Best Digital Content Strategies for Small Businesses

If you want to succeed in today’s world, you have to be able to present yourself well online. Check out these digital content strategies to get noticed.

Companies are spending increasing sums of money on their digital marketing.

And we don’t blame them.

People now stare at TV and computer screens for as much as 12 hours every single day. Add to that the length of time spent on a mobile phone and total daily screen-time for the average person becomes astronomical!

That’s a big deal from a marketing standpoint.

It represents a clear shift in attention. Traditional forms of advertising, such as billboards, flyers, and direct mail, no longer pack the same punch.

Everybody’s eyes are online.

And digital content strategies represent some of the best methods of targeting them.

The trick is deciding upon the specific content strategies to employ for maximum ROI. Get it wrong and you can spend masses of time and money on marketing attempts that just don’t work.

We want to help! Looking to boost the effectiveness of your digital marketing this year?

Read on for 7 top strategies to employ in your content marketing in 2020.

1. Set Your Goals

What are you trying to achieve?

The answer to that question is pivotal. It’ll provide the direction for all of your forthcoming content creation and distribution.

Set one (or multiple) goal(s). Be it sales, subscribers, content promotion, brand awareness, or whatever- it doesn’t matter.

Then, whenever you start putting some content together, ask yourself if it’ll get you closer to that goal. If it isn’t, then you’ll need to shift your focus. If it is, then you’re onto a winner.

Those goals will help you settle on topics, hone your keyword research, and, ultimately, get the traffic flowing.

2. Focus On Relevance

There’s no point in creating content that your target audience doesn’t care about.

The whole point of content marketing is to drive qualified leads your way. The better the prospect, the more likely your sales team will convert them.

You could put together an article that ranks well in Google and drives traffic.

However, they’re unlikely to subscribe to your newsletter, get in touch, or listen to your podcast if your product/service is entirely unrelated to it.

Relevance is key.

Keep your audience in mind whenever you put together any form of content. Solve their problems, answer their questions, and provide them with the tools they need.

It’s the only way to see results in 2020.

3. Understand Your Audience

This point leads on from the last.

You can only create something relevant when you know your audience first.

Lack that insight and you’ll be forever shooting from the hip. You think you’re doing it right, but you don’t know for sure! Some bits of content will be a hit, many will be a horrible miss.

Get serious with understanding your audience. Start by formulating a buyer persona and working from there. Once you’ve started a few campaigns you’ll have helpful data to hone your assumptions.

Keep testing, iterating, and honing things down until you know your audience as well as your own best friend.

4. Focus On Value

Relevance means very little if the content’s no good.

You could offer an avid chocolate lover an enormous bar of the stuff. But if it tastes awful, then they’re not going to eat it (or buy it in the future).

The same goes for your content.

If people are going to consume it in the quantities you want, then it must be of a high standard. Value is paramount. Your readers, watchers or listeners should walk away content with your content.

They should be entertained, have their problems solved, and questions answered. Their lives should be better having consumed what you’ve created.

Succeed in this regard and you’ll enjoy far better engagement and many more leads.

5. Create With the Platform in Mind

Not all platforms are created equally.

Your content won’t perform as well on Facebook as it will on YouTube. People won’t engage with it on Instagram as they will on Twitter. Your LinkedIn followers expect different content than your TikTok followers.

You get the picture.

Your content strategy must keep that in mind.

Create with your audience in mind, as well as where they’re going to consume it. Combine those two and you stand the greatest chance of success.

That starts by understanding your audience and the platforms themselves. Delve into your data to get your head around both.

6. Quality AND Quantity

The old maxim says that quality over quantity is key.

Alas, in today’s content marketing world, you need both for digital marketing strategy success.

The top companies in your industry are releasing reams of content every single day. There’s a good chance that it’s good stuff too.

Try and do the same, to the best of your abilities. Of course, there’s no point punching above your weight. The quantity you produce won’t be good enough, and you’ll burn out in the process.

If quantity is a struggle, then quality is king. Tackle both, though, and you win.

7. Focus on Link Building

SEO optimized content is only one aspect of getting ahead.

Among other vital off-page SEO endeavors, you need to acquire high-quality, authority backlinks from other websites. Don’t, and you’ll ever rank as highly as you’d like to, or as your content deserves.

Guest posting remains one of the best ways to do it. Sure, it’s more content! And, worse, it isn’t for your website. However, the backlink(s) you get in return is worth the hard work.

Likewise, email outreach (so long as it’s honest, done with integrity, and personalized to each recipient) will help you acquire links as well.

Try These Digital Content Strategies

Digital content has become a go-to strategy for marketers these days.

And, with the average user spending countless hours online every day, it makes perfect sense.

It goes without saying that you’re not the only one creating content though. To succeed, your digital content strategies have to be of the highest order.

Hopefully, this post will help in that regard.

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