What Are Automation Frameworks? A Complete Guide

Automation Frameworks

Let’s imagine for a second that your workplace didn’t use uniform software. Deciphering the charts and graphs of your co-workers takes forever, no one’s on the same page about anything, and rampant chaos ensues. It isn’t long before the whole building has regressed to the Stone Age.

Ok, you got us. It won’t be that bad. But having a uniform and well-built software is vital to a lot of functions in today’s work, and a critical key to achieving this is the automation test framework.

But what is an automation framework, and how does it help you?

Well, you’re in luck. We’re here to give you the complete guide to automation frameworks and what they are! So let’s get started!

What Are Automation Frameworks?

Automation frameworks refer to a specific list of concepts and ideas that get used in the development of software to test specific functions of the software and ensure it’s up to a certain uniform standard. The automation part of automation frameworks indicates that the process happens thanks to computers, with little to no human assistance required.

A good comparison to make is building a model plane with an instruction manual. Sure, without the instructions, you’d get the plane you want at some point. But with the instructions you save time and achieve a better end product than you would have with no directions, in addition to knowing how to replicate the process without guessing.

The Different Types of Automation Frameworks

While automation frameworks get used in a wide variety of ways, they tend to boil down into five main categories of structure. The first type is the linear automation test framework. In this method, various tests pop up one by one and get sent through the system in sequential order.

The pros of this type of framework come with the fact that it is super simple. You don’t need to know a lot about the ins and outs of coding to organize this test yourself, and as such, it sits on the fast side of frameworks.

The downside is that you sacrifice the ability to run multiple types of tests or different tests at once for that speed and ease of use. Besides, a lot of double-checking has to happen to make sure a test won’t crash if you change it before sending it again.

The second type is the data-driven test framework. This method requires you to take an external piece of data (a document/spreadsheet/graph/etc.) and instruct the test to use that data as a guide. For example, you can tell a test to plug in specific values for certain variables by putting those values on a chart.

The bright side of this method is the ability to recycle code from test to test and let you change the data without repercussion to the test. This is because the test takes all its info from the data. On the downside, it tends to sit on the complex side and takes a lot of time to set up in the beginning before it gets moving.

The Different Types of Automation Frameworks: Part 2 

The third type of automation framework is the keyword-driven test framework. It’s very similar to its data-driven counterpart, but instead of testing script logic and the external data together, it splits the two apart and uses keywords located within the data to manipulate how the test processes. 

The pros and cons of the keyword-driven test framework are almost identical to the data-driven test framework as well but boasts the bonus of being able to blend in with any application or programming language.

This is thanks to its reliance on keywords over a set code. On the downside, it has one hell of a learning curve and takes even longer to get off the ground than a data-driven test framework.

The fourth type of automation framework is modular automation framework. This framework involves conducting a lot of small tests that target individual aspects of a program before recombining to provide one bulk test. This way, you get the results of every individual factor as well as the “all-together” result.

On the bright side, this type of automation framework lets you adjust the micro-tests without affecting the performance of the other micro-tests or the big test and helps break up massive tasks into digestible pieces. On the other hand, it’s one of the more difficult automation frameworks to master and requires a lot of technical know-how to use at max effectiveness.

The Ultimate Type

Finally, we’ve got the hybrid automation framework. As the name suggests, this framework takes concepts from the other forms of framework (the split tests of modular tests, the keywords from keyword-driven tests, etc.) and combines them into one ultra framework. 

The main selling point of this framework is that it’s the most efficient of all the frameworks, combing all their strengths for the top result. The caveat is that it requires the most maintenance and technical knowledge of all the methods, so it’s not for beginners.

Why People Use Automation Frameworks

So that you know all about automation frameworks, let’s talk about why people use them. One reason is the flexibility they offer to companies. Companies can use open-source test automation framework or build their own if they want to save money or contract out if they’ve got the cash to do so (and thus save themselves time).

Another reason is that these systems are essential to staying competitive. Testing software or applications through other means doesn’t have the speed to stay competitive. From running tons of tests at the same time to the speed at which automation executes them, there’s no contest.

Finally, automation frameworks save you resources in the long run. You only need to put in the resources you need for the test to function, and it will prevent lengthy de-bugging sessions down the line.

Time to Get Automated

So now that you know all about what automation frameworks are and how they help you in the long run, you’re ready to install them into your own business!

Want to know more about keeping your company ahead of the curve in terms of business innovations? Then check out some of the other posts on our blog!

So until next time, get all your software automated! You don’t want to get the reputation of “the company with all the glitches” after all.


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