What Is Cloud Migration: An Introduction to Moving to the Cloud

What Is Cloud Migration: An Introduction to Moving to the Cloud

Cloud migration has been steadily growing in popularity in recent years. But thanks to the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, cloud migration has taken off like never before. That’s because remote workers stand to benefit greatly by working with the cloud. 

And as the world continues to become more and more connected, migration to the cloud will only become more important. But what exactly is cloud migration? Continue reading and we’ll walk you through everything you need to know. 

What Is Cloud Migration?

Cloud migration is the process of moving a company’s digital operations over to the cloud. Cloud migration is kind of like a physical move, except that it involves moving IT processes, apps, and data from some data centers to other data centers. This is instead of packing up your physical materials and moving them to another office

Similar to moving from a small office to a big office, cloud migration will require a lot of preparation work and planning. However, the work is usually worth it because it will save you time and money down the line. 

Benefits of Migrating to the Cloud

Many cloud providers take care of many important security issues. This includes keeping unwanted users from accessing certain files and apps. It’s also easy to update systems, so your cloud platform will also have the latest security features. 

Cloud platforms also let you access files from anywhere. You can be on the move, at another office, or simply using a different computer. No matter what the situation is, you can easily access your important files when you’re working on the cloud. 

The cloud also allows for more collaboration. Multiple users can work on the same project simultaneously and see changes in real-time. 

Cloud Migration Strategy

The first step of a successful cloud migration strategy is to take an inventory of your current solution. You want to identify every piece of technology that your company owns. 

You then have to determine who uses what. Then, have your employees help you understand how effective the current systems are. 

After that, it’s important that you compare the financials of fixing your current system with migrating to the cloud. 

After you analyze all of this data, you wan to imagine what it will look like if you performed cloud migration. What would be the optimal setup and how will your operations change?

The Importance of Knowing What Migration to Cloud Means

Migration to cloud systems is one of the best ways to keep your business flexible and competitive. However, it may not be best for everyone. Because of this, it’s important that you assess your current processes and financial strength.

You also want to consult with your other managers as well as your IT team and your employees and see how they feel about the transition too. 

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