How to Choose a Third Party Assembly Company

How to Choose a Third Party Assembly Company

As a business owner, you have enough to worry about and manage. From designing products and manufacturing products to assembly, packaging, and eventually shipping, there’s a lot going on.

Many companies outsource all of this to places like China. While this helps to keep costs down, it comes with its downsides.

A better option may be to have assembly done closer to home. Wouldn’t that be convenient?

Wondering why you should consider hiring an assembly company in Europe or the US? Wondering what the benefits of moving assembly line production out west are? Keep reading to find out.

Benefits of Hiring a Closer Assembly Company

When it comes down to it, you are in business to design, create, and sell products that benefit the lives of your customers. You are not in the business of manufacturing, assembly, and logistics.

Consequently, there are many other companies who can do this far more efficiently than you can. That’s why outsourcing manufacturing and fulfillment is so important and so common.

Manufacturing and assembly are often the first things you’ll contract out. Outsourcing your assembly line production can help save a lot of money. This can allow your company the flexibility it needs to continue developing and testing new products.

The problem is that this typically takes all of these important functions to a country like China. China, while having an incredible fulfillment infrastructure in place, is far from where you operate your business.

When you have complex products that require the highest quality assembly to complete, it might not be a good idea to have this done in China, where you can rarely see what is going on.

Wouldn’t it be incredible if you could literally see inside the factories every day, to ensure accurate lead times and best practice during the assembly process?

By moving the assembly line to a better location, you can get all the access you would hope for while still outsourcing the entire process.

How to Hire an Assembly Company

Looking to hire a new front line assembly company? There’s a lot to take into consideration.

You need a place that can handle the level of complexity that your products require. You need a company that is accessible, both on location and while you are across the globe.

The best assembly providers are those you don’t need to micromanage but still offer the ability to speak into the process and tweak things as needed.

If you’re looking to move your assembly line out of Asia and closer to you and your customers, you can move your assembly to Shield Works. You’ll experience an extremely high-quality assembly process and have much more access than if your assembly was done in China.

They are a British owned company with many years of manufacturing and operational experience in China. You’ll get 24/7 live video access to the production line. You’ll have a much easier time communicating, making changes, and adding layers of customization.

You’ll have more control over the process yet still enjoy the benefits of a third party company. Moving your assembly process to a company like this could be exactly what your company and your customers need.

Reclaiming Control of Your Assembly Line

Moving an entire assembly line to a new assembly company in a different country is no easy feat. It takes time and a lot of planning to make the transition smoothly. Your goal is to find a company that will make this transition as painless as possible for you.

Looking for additional tips to grow and optimize your company? Be sure to check out more on our blog today.


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