3 Ways Print Can Help Your Business in the Digital Age

3 Ways Print Can Help Your Business in the Digital Age

Today, the business world is dominated by the internet, smartphones and digital strategies. In this digital age, many of the more traditional means of communicating with consumers seem outdated to say the least. However, many of them do still have their uses even in today’s highly advanced business landscape. This certainly holds true for print. There are, in fact, a number of ways print can help your business in the digital age.

Direct Mail

One of the ways that print can still give you an edge in your marketing materials is through the use of direct mail. Physical “snail mail” still has an advantage today. This is due to the fact that e-mail marketing has been over-leveraged to the point that most people now consider e-mails marketing products or services to be “spam” that should be automatically filtered to a trash folder. In fact, about 47 percent of email is considered spam. Alternatively, most people can’t “filter” their physical mailbox in the same way. They also tend to look at each individual piece of physical mail that comes to them regardless of the content.

Street Level Advertising

It is true that people are on their smartphones a lot during this digital age, but they can’t be on them during the whole day. At some point, people must remove their eyes from their phone’s screen and wander into the real world. When this happens, print advertisements on posters, flyers, billboards and more can still be highly effective at grabbing the attention of consumers. There are also some great benefits to digital printing solutions that you should be aware of. For one, they can create print ads in greater resolution, clarity and color depth than ever before. This can create truly captivating advertisements.

Print and Digital Coordination

Printed marketing materials can also be used to help supplement a digital marketing campaign. This coordination can be highly effective in many circumstances. Think, for example, of a printed advertisement that includes a QR code that can be scanned by a smartphone. The QR code may be printed, but it also does the job of directing the consumer to related digital marketing materials. Printed materials can help attract consumers that would never be made aware of digital campaigns otherwise.

Overall, just because there is so much emphasis on digital marketing does not mean print has no place in your marketing mix. The examples above are only a starting point for all the ways that print marketing can still be effective in today’s digital age. If you leverage print correctly, you can greatly increase your reach into a given market.


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