How To Declutter And Organize Your Macbook

How To Declutter And Organize Your Macbook

Is your Mac starting to experience slowdowns? Do you constantly have to restart it to get it to work?

Before you go and toss it out the window, take a moment to understand that old files and clutter might be the problem. Having too many things on your computer can prevent your Mac from running properly.

Today we’re going to look at all the things you can do to declutter and organize your computer. By the time you finish reading this guide, you’ll have the knowledge you need to enjoy using your computer once more.

Let’s take a look at how you can improve your MacBook organization.

Go Through and Clear Out Old Files

The first thing you want to do is go through your hard drive and clear out any files you no longer use. This can include anything from old photos to Word documents and Excel files.

Get rid of anything you haven’t touched in months and don’t plan on touching again. Remember—if you forgot that something was there, you don’t need it!

If you need help finding duplicate videos, click here.

Organize Your Desktop

Many people let their Desktops get out of control. Besides making finding files more difficult, a messy Desktop can actually slow down your computer.

Files require processing power to display. When you have 50 or more icons taking up Desktop space, it can cause noticeable slowdowns. Organize your Desktop with folders and by deleting old files to speed things up.

Get Rid of Old Bookmarks

Many people have dozens of different bookmarks they saved on a whim but haven’t opened since. Don’t forget to go through and clear these out, as well.

Just like with your Desktop, most internet browsers allow you to create folders. This provides you with an easy way to organize all the different sites and web pages you’ve saved.

Uninstall Apps You Don’t Use

Many people have several apps or programs on their computer that do nothing besides take up space. Uninstalling these can free up storage space, speed up your computer, and give you peace of mind.

If you need an app at a later date, you can always reinstall it when that time comes.

Use iCloud

If you’re not using iCloud, you’re missing out on one of the best parts of owning a Mac. You’re also missing out on an easy way to declutter your computer.

Using iCloud lets you store your files off of your physical computer and on the cloud. You can then access them when you need them.

Understand How to Declutter and Organize Your MacBook

Macs are great computers, but if you’re not careful, too much clutter can prevent you from making the most of them. Luckily, preventing that from happening is easy.

Use this guide to help you declutter and organize your MacBook. By following the tips mentioned, you’ll have a like-new computer in no time.

Are you looking for more MacBook tips? If so, make sure to check out the rest of our site for all things tech.

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