How Important Is Packaging For Your Small Business?

How Important Is Packaging For Your Small Business?

Consider the packaging of the last item you bought. Did it play a role in your decision to purchase the product? Did it look good and serve an important purpose? Good packaging can play a major role in the success of a business.

Even the packaging for delivery can tell a customer a lot about the business. Some small businesses choose to make their online purchase deliveries fun and personal by using kraft crinkle paper and a handwritten note thanking the customer for their support.

As you can see, packaging plays an important role in your business and the products you sell. Here are a few key reasons why.


First of all, the primary purpose of packaging is to contain your product, protect it and keep it safe when it’s being shipped, displayed, or otherwise handled.

The most important role of your packaging is to ensure that your product remains safely intact within it. Customers will be unhappy to open the packaging and find a damaged or broken product inside, so it’s crucial that the packaging you choose is effective in protecting the goods inside from damage.


An eye-catching and aesthetically pleasing box or bag is an important factor when it comes to marketing your product. People say not to judge a book by its cover, but the truth remains that a customer will develop an opinion of your product based on your packaging.

Draw customers to your product by making your packaging pleasing to the eye. The packaging should feature the name of the product, some basic information, and perhaps a picture of what the packaging contains.

Some companies, such as those selling food items, choose to make a part of their packaging see-through so that the customers are able to see the product itself through the packaging. This can help them to trust the product and be more inclined to purchase it.

Brand Image

Not only does your packaging design tell your customer a little about the product, but it also tells them a whole lot about the business itself. The design you choose for your packaging should align with your brand image and the type of company you’re portraying yourself as.

Consider whether your business has a minimalist look and feel – if this is the case, simple packaging with neutral colours and clean lines might be suitable. If your business has a more luxurious edge, consider using colours like navy blue and gold in your packaging, with elegant fonts and refined images.


If part of your business’s image and mission is sustainability, you can put this message across through your packaging. Opting to use more sustainable packaging forms is a great way to make a positive impact on the planet and draw a certain type of customer to your business.

Eco-conscious consumers are known to choose a business that uses sustainable packaging over one that does not purely for this reason, so consider what benefits this might have for your sales!

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