Author: Faisal Ghaffar

The Importance of Building a Better Customer Relationship

The Importance of Building a Better Customer Relationship

  For most businesses, your customers will be your main source of revenue, and the chances are, without good customer service, your customers are likely to look elsewhere – giving your competitors an opportunity to steal your customers. Good customer service is the backbone to many business’s success, but it’s […]

How to Select a Retail POS System

How to Select a Retail POS System

Whether you are a well-settled merchant or you are engaged in the process of setting up your own business, you need to think about getting a retail POS system. It can contribute a lot towards your success in the long run. It will be able to provide you with an […]

How To Recognize A Good Translator?

How To Recognize A Good Translator?

Sooner or later, many people will find themselves in a situation in which they will need a professional translation. Maybe you would like to apply for a job or for a semester abroad? Or is it a business transaction that requires an official translation of documents? Translators and agencies offering […]

How Your Business Can Save Money

How Your Business Can Save Money

If you’re a business owner, you know the importance of making money and keeping it. No company can survive without a healthy margin between income and cost-of-doing business, and while there is no one trick that can ensure that your expenses are always balanced out by profits, here are a […]