
8 Top Automation Testing Tools for 2018

8 Top Automation Testing Tools for 2018

Being a software quality manager has never been easy. You have to enter the minefield of developers with uncertainties about whether they’ll accept your expertise or withstand everything you stand for. You always have people before you asking different questions, like is the software working? Have you tested everything? How […]

What the Australian Government is Doing to Promote Energy Efficiency

What the Australian Government is Doing to Promote Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is an issue that affects every person, regardless of whether or not they contribute to the discussion. Wasting energy means wasting valuable natural resources, and that is a huge drain on the Australian economy, which affects all its citizens, businesses, and international relations. When building your office building […]

SURF Framework as it Applies to the Automotive Industry

With more and more businesses fulfilling the demand for consumer goods, higher standards are expected of all of them. Consumers want cheaper products that are higher quality while still being environmentally friendly. Aside from the environmental aspect, these principles of business are still the same expectations consumers had 1,000’s of […]

A New Front Door to the Lincoln Airport

The roadways on the western edge of the City of Lincoln recently completed a major and much needed overhaul. This two phase effort, involving Nicolaus Road, south of the Lincoln Regional Airport, and Nelson Lane, between the Highway 65 Bypass and Nicolaus Road, has turned the functionally obsolete two lane […]