Refining Your Approach: 6 Mistakes That Are Scaring Your Customers Away


Even the best businesses have experienced red numbers from time to time. There are companies that have been the stars of their industry for several decades that have failed within months. This is all because they have become too comfortable with day-to-day activities, or because they didn’t know how to treat their customers. 

Customers are the lifeblood of any business. Making sure the following mistakes are avoided can ensure a successful and profitable business. 

Staff Members Aren’t Interested in Helping the Customers

It’s important to review management performance, but don’t forget about employees, too. Every person on staff needs to know how to deliver superior service to customers. Fake smiles should be outlawed. Make sure to explain to the staff why treating the customers right is so crucial for customer experience so they will be motivated to perform properly. 

Remember, having a great product isn’t enough. Employees will be motivated when they are considered important and valuable. 

Making a Bad First Impressions

It takes just seven seconds for a person to form an impression of a business. Once a first impression is made, there’s no second chance. Examples of bad first impressions include a website that’s moving slow or not working, a webinar that’s been canceled, or a problem with the online payment process. 

When someone lands on a webpage, they should feel welcome with organized content, clean design, and user-friendly navigation. The features should be efficient and available, too. 

Failing to Thank Customers

This is one of the oldest techniques, but an extremely effective one. If a customer places an order online, make sure they are redirected to a “thank you” page when they are done. If a person makes a purchase in a brick and mortar location, the staff needs to always thank them. 

Knowing Less Than the Customer

If the staff isn’t properly informed about a service or product, how can they educate the customer? If this happens, this customer is never coming back. All customers expect that the staff will know much more than them. 

Staff members need to be experts in the industry. Be sure to choose staff wisely and be sure they know the product well. 

Wasting the Customer’s Time

No one wants to have their time wasted. Be sure not to give a customer a reason to wait, such as the “network being down,” or a slow computer. Make sure that everything is working properly and ready to do as wasting a customer’s time means they will not come back. 

Breaking Promises

If a business has advertised a sale or discount but added on another charge, this doesn’t build trust. While the company may earn a profit, they have also lost a customer. 

Keeping Customers: Avoid These Mistakes 

When it comes to keeping customers, the mistakes here must be avoided. Being informed is the best way to ensure that customers are happy, satisfied and that they keep coming back, time and time again, to make more purchases. 


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