
Business Ideas, Business Tips | The category of Business on Entrepreneur Blog publishes helpful tips and ideas in the Business niche. Continue reading.

Starting Your Own Recruitment Company

Starting Your Own Recruitment Company

The recruitment industry has never been better, there are a number of agencies out there that are going from strength to strength. So, perhaps the time has never been better to take the plunge towards a recruitment start-up? If you have experience in recruitment and think that it is time […]

The PR Challenges Facing Chinese Companies Trying to Expand Overseas

The PR Challenges Facing Chinese Companies Trying to Expand Overseas

In the current climate of globalization, many Chinese companies are trying to gain ground in Western markets. However, differences in corporate culture and misunderstandings of one another’s culture can severely hinder any efforts by Chinese and other Asian corporations to penetrate western markets. In this article, we’re going to touch […]