Other News

Nano-Coatings – A New Era for Waterproof Coatings

An affordable, eco-friendly, non-toxic waterproofing spray that doesn’t just repel water, but actually makes water run from the surface, sound like magic? It’s nanotechnology. Nanex’s AquaShield waterproof spray is what’s called a nanostructured superhydrophobic coating. It’s made from billions of sub-molecular “nano-polymers” that bond to the fibers of any fabric […]

Five Tips for Buying Wrapping Machine

Before buying wrapping machine, following factor need to be considered. It is beneficial for your decision. Following information provided by Fhopepack stretch wrapper. One of Chinese professional manufacturer is for stretch wrapping and packaging system. 1. Get ready for future legislation. The law will impose new needs for machines utilized […]

Simple Business Investing

One of the most important question for a small or let’s says simple or initial business investor is where to focus attention. What makes your company more interesting and unique than another? There are millions of businesses, but only few researches for services. This give opportunity for the above-market returns […]