If criminals target your business the impact it can have on you could be huge. Pricey equipment could be lost, onsite damage could be an issue, stock could be stolen and the well-being and morale of the staff could be severely affected. Criminals are streetwise and scrutinize your business for […]
Technology Updates, Tech Tips | The category of Technology on Entrepreneur Blog MenaEntrepreneur.org publishes helpful tips and ideas in the Technology niche.
Top 5 Call Center Software to Lift Your Business Efficiency
Want to enhance your call center agents productivity or boost the efficiency of your call center? Introducing call center software is the ideal solution! Whether there are issues in your call center, using a right software has huge positive impact on the call center productivity. It helps in improving communication […]
8 Top Automation Testing Tools for 2018
Being a software quality manager has never been easy. You have to enter the minefield of developers with uncertainties about whether they’ll accept your expertise or withstand everything you stand for. You always have people before you asking different questions, like is the software working? Have you tested everything? How […]
How Soon Could Your Job Be Taken Over By A Robot?
Science fiction writers have loved robots almost since the genre began. They is something about the idea of these shiny silver servants clanking back and forth that just seems to capture people’s imaginations. It’s a surprisingly old idea – the word itself dates back nearly a century, to a 1920 […]
5 Interesting Ways Technology Will Change Healthcare
Have you ever wondered what hospitals will look like in the future? Have you ever thought about how technological advancements could make treatments more effective? Sci-fi movies and futuristic films have given us a lot to speculation about healthcare evolution. But what about the real technologies that are being […]
Why Businesses Moving Towards Cloud Technology
According to Forbes “Adaptability is the key to Entrepreneurial Success”. Business organizations need to keep a track of the prevailing market condition and adopt the best available technology to help them survive the rat race. One such technology is in limelight nowadays i.e ‘Cloud technology’. Cloud technology in simple words […]
Is Your Business Properly Protected from Crime?
Almost all businesses are vulnerable to crime of various kinds. Just how vulnerable depends to a degree on the nature of the business – a jeweller’s will obviously be a more tempting target to a gang of robbers than a greengrocer’s. But the risk also depends on how the company […]
How to Get Authority Backlinks for Your Website
If you have been doing SEO for a while or even if you are just starting, you need to understand that authority backlinks are one of the main ranking factors that determine if your site is found on the first page of Google. You need a comprehensive SEO strategy to […]
The Importance of Using Technology In Education
In the past, we used to joke that one day technology will take over the world. With its constant advancements and changes, we’re now living in this reality. Education has not been immune from these changes. Over the years, many improvements have been made to the way we teach through the […]
Will Self-Driven Cars Cause Job Losses?
After the advent of the internet, perhaps the biggest and most revolutionary change that civilization will witness is the introduction of self-driven vehicles. It will still be a couple of decades before driverless cars are the norm. But there is no denying that it will be fabulous. These self-driven vehicles […]
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